Bathypelagic fish - Fish living in the bathypelagic environment

The bathyal zone or bathypelagic – from Greek βαθύς , deep – is the pelagic zone that extends from a depth of 1000 to 4000 meters below the ocean surface. It lies between the mesopelagic above, and the abyssopelagic below.

Order Anguilliformes

Labichthys carinatus

Muddy arrowtooth eel - The muddy arrowtooth eel, Ilyophis brunneus, is a cutthroat eel, the only species in the genus Ilyophis.

Serrivomer schmidti

Saurenchelys taiwanensis

Nessorhamphus danae

Serrivomer danae

Avocettina acuticeps

Nemichthys larseni

Benthenchelys pacificus

Black saw-toothed eel

Bean's sawtooth eel

Dogface witch-eel

Bathymyrus echinorhynchus

Acromycter longipectoralis

Labichthys yanoi

Duckbill oceanic eel

Serrivomer garmani

Leptocephalus bellottii

Avocettina bowersii

Black serrivomerid eel - Stemonidium hypomelas is widely distributed in the Pacific Ocean and the southern Atlantic Ocean, at depths of 500-1,229 m.

Sawtooth eel - The Samoa sawtooth eel, Serrivomer samoensis, is a sawtooth eel of the genus Serrivomer, found in the south west Pacific at depths between 500 and 2,000 m.

Black sawtooth eel

Spotted snipe eel - The eel lives at depths of up to 2,000 m.

Benthenchelys indicus

Chlopsis longidens

Crossthroat sawpalate

Narrownecked oceanic eel - The skin is scaleless and red-brown.

Leptocephalus congroides

Avocettina paucipora

Order Ateleopodiformes

Parateleopus microstomus

Order Aulopiformes

Stemonosudis bullisi

Naked barracuda


Scopelosaurus craddocki

Longfin pearleye

Chubby pearleye


Scopelarchoides kreffti

Paralepis speciosa

Stemonosudis intermedia

Scopelosaurus adleri

Macroparalepis danae

Ahliesaurus berryi

Lestidium prolixum

Bigfin pearleye

Uncisudis posteropelvis

Undistinguished sabretooth

Slender barracudina

Benthalbella elongata

Lestidiops extrema

Scopelarchoides climax

Atlantic sabretooth

Daggertooth - Anotopterus vorax or south ocean daggertooth is a daggertooth described in 1913 by Regan.

Southern barracudina

Macroparalepis nigra

Dolichosudis fuliginosa

Stemonosudis rothschildi

Stemonosudis elegans

Fierce pike smelt

Atlantic barracudina

Uncisudis advena

Scopelosaurus gibbsi

Benthalbella macropinna

Strange pike smelt

Scopelarchoides nicholsi


Lancet fish - Lancetfishes are large oceanic predatory fishes in the genus Alepisaurus , the only living genus in the family Alepisauridae.

Macroparalepis longilateralis

Evermannella ahlstromi

Sharpchin barracudina

Ahliesaurus brevis

White barracudina

Japanese barracudina

Antarctic jonasfish

Lestidiops similis

Scopelarchus stephensi


Hammerjaw - The large head is dominated by a massive, truncated lower jaw and large, high-set eyes.

Coccorella atrata

Zugmayer's pearleye

Lestidiops indopacifica

Scopelarchoides danae

Stemonosudis siliquiventer

Stemonosudis gracilis



Lestidium bigelowi

Uncisudis longirostra

Scopelosaurus mauli


Lestidiops pacificus

Scopelarchoides signifer



Daggertooth - The North Pacific daggertooth, Anotopterus nikparini, is a daggertooth in the family Anotopteridae.

Magnisudis indica

Conejo de lo alto - Lancetfishes are large oceanic predatory fishes in the genus Alepisaurus , the only living genus in the family Alepisauridae.


Evermannella megalops

Stemonosudis molesta

Order Beryciformes

Parinoberyx horridus

Longwing spinyfin

Hoplostethus tenebricus

Atlantic roughy

Shorthorn fangtooth - While understandably named for their disproportionately large, fang-like teeth and unapproachable visage, fangtooths are actually quite small and harmless to humans: the larger of the two species, the common fangtooth, reaches a maximum length of just 16 centimetres ; the shortthorn fangtooth is about half this size.

Hoplostethus marisrubri

Hoplostethus crassispinus

Paratrachichthys sajademalensis

Hoplostethus rubellopterus

Hoplostethus metallicus

Hoplostethus fragilis

Aulotrachichthys latus

Hoplostethus abramovi

Diretmoides veriginae

Parmops echinatus

Paratrachichthys argyrophanus

Slimy head

Hoplostethus melanopterus

Common fangtooth - While understandably named for their disproportionately large, fang-like teeth and unapproachable visage, fangtooths are actually quite small and harmless to humans: the larger of the two species, the common fangtooth, reaches a maximum length of just 16 centimetres ; the shortthorn fangtooth is about half this size.

Hoplostethus druzhinini

Common roughy - The sandpaper fish or common roughy, Paratrachichthys trailli, is a slimehead belonging to the family Trachichthyidae, found in southern Australia and southern New Zealand at depths of between 50 and 400 m.

Parin's spiny fin

Hoplostethus shubnikovi

Hoplostethus mikhailini


Hoplostethus confinis

Aulotrachichthys prosthemius

Paratrachichthys fernandezianus

Hoplostethus rifti

Slimy head

Hoplostethus fedorovi

Order Carcharhiniformes

Australian reticulate swellshark - Once thought to be the same species as the reticulated swellshark of Vietnam and Hainan, the Australian reticulate swellshark was described as a separate species by William White and David Ebert in a 2008 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation publication.

Pale spotted catshark - The pale spotted spotted catshark, Asymbolus pallidus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found only off Queensland, at depths of between 225 and 400 m.

Fat catshark - Apristurus pinguis, the fat catshark, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found only in deep water in the East China Sea.

White ghost catshark - Apristurus aphyodes, the white ghost catshark, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in deep water in the northeast Atlantic between latitudes 57°N and 58°N.

Apristurus internatus - Reproduction is oviparous.

Saddled swellshark - In 1994, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation chief researchers Peter Last and John Stevens recognized five undescribed swellsharks in Australian waters.

Spatulasnout cat shark - The spatulasnout cat shark, Apristurus platyrhynchus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the western Pacific between latitudes 35° N and 1° N.

Haploblepharus kistnasamyi - This species was once considered to be the "Natal" form of the puffadder shyshark, which differed from the main "Cape" form in appearance and habitat preferences.

Apristurus australis - The pinocchio catshark, Apristurus australis, is a species of fish in the Scyliorhinidae family.

Springer's sawtail cat shark - The Springer's sawtail cat shark, Galeus springeri, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the western central Atlantic from Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, the north coast of Hispaniola, and Cuba, at depths of between 450 and 700 m.

Whitefin swellshark - Early specimens of the whitefin swellshark were often mistaken for the Australian swellshark or the draughtsboard shark .

Black roughscale catshark - The flatnose cat shark, Apristurus acanutus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the northwest Pacific Ocean off Zhujiang, South China Sea.

Narrowbar swellshark - In 1994, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation chief researchers Peter Last and John Stevens applied the provisional name Cephaloscyllium "sp.

Stout catshark - Apristurus fedorovi, or Federov's catshark, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae.

Order Cetomimiformes

Flabby whalefish - Gyrinomimus grahami is a flabby whalefish of the genus Gyrinomimus, found in all the southern oceans.

Vitiaziella cubiceps

Pink flabby whalefish


Danacetichthys galathenus

Festive ribbonfish

Cetomimus teevani

Trunov southern cetomimid

Cetichthys parini

Redmouth whalefish - Like the plant genus of the same name, this genus is named after Guillaume Rondelet.

Parataeniophorus brevis

Gyrinomimus myersi

Procetichthys kreffti

Ataxolepis apus

Cetomimus kerdops

Savage's birdsnouted whalefish

Gyrinomimus bruuni

Cetomimus gillii

Parataeniophorus gulosus

Megalomycter teevani

Gyrinomimus simplex

Cetomimus picklei

Ditropichthys storeri

Ataxolepis henactis

Cetichthys indagator

Order Chimaeriformes


Hydrolagus lusitanicus

Order Gadiformes

Tripterophycis svetovidovi

Patagonian codling

Roundhead grenadier

Kumba hebetata

Pugnose grenadier

Coelorinchus melanosagmatus

Coryphaenoides striaturus

Parin's grenadier

Physiculus parini

Dusky rattail

Gadomus multifilis

Rhynchogadus hepaticus

Coryphaenoides microps

Striped codlet

Hymenocephalus striatulus

Macrouroides inflaticeps

Gadella brocca


Narrowsnout grenadier

Morid cod - The slender codling or slender cod, Halargyreus johnsonii, is a morid cod, the only species in the genus Halargyreus.

Kumba gymnorhynchus

Arctic cod - It is widely distributed in the western part of the Arctic basin, also the northwest and northeast coasts of Greenland.

Bighead mora

Trachonurus sentipellis

Physiculus sazonovi

Kumba musorstom

Coelorinchus vityazae

Slendertail grenadier

Coryphaenoides semiscaber

Blunt-nosed grenadier

Physiculus longifilis

Muraenolepis andriashevi

Gadomus capensis

Coryphaenoides mcmillani

Bighead grenadier

Hymenocephalus barbatulus

Dogtooth grenadier

Couch's whiting - Exploitation of blue whiting only started in the 1970s.

Bathypelagic rattail

Kumba japonica - This fish reaches a length of up to 18 cm.

Sphagemacrurus pumiliceps

Coelorinchus nazcaensis

Bluntsnout grenadier

Physiculus peregrinus

Grenadier fish

Myers' grenadier

Gadella edelmanni

Coryphaenoides grahami


Whitson's grenadier

Large-eye grenadier

Hymenocephalus antraeus

Globehead grenadier

Bristly grenadier

Physiculus therosideros

Kumba punctulata

Fragile grenadier

Smallhead moray cod

Coryphaenoides spinulosus

Bluntnose grenadier

Physiculus nigriscens

Finescale mora

Echinomacrurus mollis

Threadfin grenadier

Mediterranean grenadier

Carmine grenadier

Graceful grenadier - This is one of the smallest of the rattails, growing to no more than 13 cm in length.

Shortbeard grenadier

Javelin fish - The thorntooth grenadier or javelin fish, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus , is a rattail, the only member of the genus Lepidorhynchus, found around southern Australia and New Zealand, at depths of between 200 and 1,000 m.

Kumba calvifrons

Ventrifossa paxtoni

Naked snout rattail

Laemonema melanurum

Squalogadus modificatus

Berry's grenadier

Kumba maculisquama

Sphagemacrurus richardi

Coelorinchus trunovi

Sturgeon-like grenadier fish

Guttigadus nudicephalus

Kaiwi Channel grenadier

Physiculus roseus

Nezumia cyrano

Bathygadus spongiceps

Goggly-eyed cod - The common mora, Mora moro, is a small deep-sea fish, the only species in the genus Mora.

Bighead grenadier - The rudis rattail, Coryphaenoides rudis, is a fish of the family Macrouridae, found around the world in tropical and subtropical oceans, at depths between 600 and 2,300 m.

Doublethread grenadier

Coryphaenoides macrolophus

Coryphaenoides camurus

Hymenocephalus aterrimus

Order Lampriformes

Sticklebacks - It is found in deep subtropical and tropical waters around the world, living at depths during the day and making nightly vertical migrations to feed on plankton.

Scalloped ribbon fish - The scalloped ribbonfish, Zu cristatus, is a ribbonfish of the family Trachipteridae found circumglobally in all oceans, at depths down to 90 m.

Unicorn crestfish - The unicorn crestfish or unicornfish, Eumecichthys fiski, is a very rare, little-known species of crestfish in the family Lophotidae, and the only member of its genus.

Crested oarfish


Southern ribbonfish

Taper-tail ribbonfish

Regalecus russelii

Ribbon fish - Trachipterus trachypterus, is a ribbonfish of the family Trachipteridae, found in tropical and subtropical seas worldwide.

Order Lophiiformes

Bulbous dreamer

Oneirodes thysanema

Gigantactis longicirra

Gigantactis gracilicauda

Pietschichthys horridus

Linophryne racemifera

Acentrophryne longidens

Short-rod anglerfish

Oneirodes alius

Prickly dreamer - Spiniphryne, also called spiny dreamers, is a genus of deep-sea anglerfish in the family Oneirodidae, containing two species.

Oneirodes sabex

Lasiognathus amphirhamphus - The closest relative of Lasiognathus is Thaumatichthys, which also has enlarged and hinged premaxillaries, escal denticles, and a branched upper operculum.

Tyrannophryne pugnax - The most distinctive feature of T.

Torpedo batfish

Himantolophus paucifilosus

Oneirodes pietschi

Gigantactis balushkini

Linophryne maderensis

Himantolophus macroceratoides

Chirophryne xenolophus

Oneirodes melanocauda

Bufoceratias shaoi

Linophryne digitopogon

Gigantactis watermani

Linophryne bicornis

Himantolophus cornifer

Oneirodes heteronema

Dolopichthys jubatus

Plainchin dreamarm

Gigantactis microdontis

Linophryne algibarbata

Stargazing seadevil

Prickly anglerfish - The prickly anglerfish, Himantolophus appelii, is a footballfish of the family Himantolophidae, found around the world in the southern oceans , in deep water.

Chaenophryne ramifera

Oneirodes cristatus

Haplophryne mollis - Some anglerfishes of the superfamily Ceratioidei employ an unusual mating method.

Oneirodes basili

Oneirodes theodoritissieri

Lasiognathus saccostoma - The closest relative of Lasiognathus is Thaumatichthys, which also has enlarged and hinged premaxillaries, escal denticles, and a branched upper operculum.

Gigantactis kreffti

Caulophryne pietschi

Linophryne polypogon

Oneirodes pterurus

Gigantactis gibbsi

Ctenochirichthys longimanus

Linophryne lucifer

Two-rod anglerfish

Himantolophus multifurcatus

Oneirodes myrionemus

Atlantic footballfish

Oneirodes macronema

Rhynchactis macrothrix

Linophryne coronata

Himantolophus brevirostris

Oneirodes flagellifer

Puck pinnata

Gigantactis savagei

Murray's abyssal anglerfish

Linophryne arcturi

Gigantactis macronema

Photocorynus spiniceps - The known mature male individuals are 6.

Whalehead dreamer

Smooth dreamer

Bulbous dreamer

Oneirodes whitleyi

Oneirodes schistonema

Lasiognathus beebei - The closest relative of Lasiognathus is Thaumatichthys, which also has enlarged and hinged premaxillaries, escal denticles, and a branched upper operculum.

Gigantactis herwigi

Linophryne sexfilis

Oneirodes anisacanthus

Himantolophus pseudalbinares

Oneirodes plagionema

Gigantactis elsmani

Linophryne parini

Bufoceratias thele

Phyllorhinichthys balushkini - P.

Linophryne escaramosa

Himantolophus mauli

Oneirodes micronema

Dolopichthys karsteni

Danaphryne nigrifilis

Linophryne bipennata

Himantolophus crinitus

Oneirodes kreffti

Himantolophus azurlucens

Oneirodes dicromischus

Gigantactis microphthalmus

Melanocetus eustalus

Linophryne andersoni

Haplophryne triregium

Oneirodes bradburyae

Spiny dreamer

Lasiognathus waltoni - The closest relative of Lasiognathus is Thaumatichthys, which also has enlarged and hinged premaxillaries, escal denticles, and a branched upper operculum.

Gigantactis longicauda

Pentherichthys venustus

Gigantactis golovani

Caulophryne polynema

Linophryne quinqueramosa

Acentrophryne dolichonema

Spiniphryne duhameli - Spiniphryne, also called spiny dreamers, is a genus of deep-sea anglerfish in the family Oneirodidae, containing two species.

Oneirodes rosenblatti

Diceratias trilobus

Himantolophus nigricornis

Smooth anglerfish

Linophryne macrodon

Himantolophus macroceras

Oneirodes macrosteus

Rhynchactis microthrix

Linophryne densiramus

Himantolophus compressus

Oneirodes haplonema

Dolopichthys dinema

Cosmopolitan whipnose

Melanocetus rossi

Linophryne argyresca

Gigantactis meadi

Lophodolos indicus

Himantolophus albinares

Smooth dreamer

Oneirodes clarkei

Oneirodes appendixus

Oneirodes schmidti

Lasiognathus intermedius - The closest relative of Lasiognathus is Thaumatichthys, which also has enlarged and hinged premaxillaries, escal denticles, and a branched upper operculum.

Gigantactis ios

Horned lantern fish - The horned lantern fish occurs in the Pacific Ocean from Baja California south to the Marquesas Islands and the Gulf of California.

Linophryne trewavasae

Pacific footballfish

Oneirodes posti

Gigantactis gargantua

Triplewart seadevil

Caulophryne pelagica

Linophryne pennibarbata

Bufoceratias wedli

Phyllorhinichthys micractis - P.

Linophryne indica

Himantolophus melanolophus

Oneirodes mirus

Robia legula

Himantolophus danae

Oneirodes luetkeni

Dolopichthys pullatus

Rhynchactis leptonema

Linophryne brevibarbata

Himantolophus borealis

Nightmare dreamer

Gigantactis paxtoni

Blackdevil - The humpback anglerfish or blackdevil, Melanocetus johnsonii, is a deep-sea anglerfish in the family Melanocetidae, found in tropical to temperate parts of all oceans at depths of up to 2,000 meters .

Deepsea angler - Linophryne arborifera, or illuminated netdevil, is an anglerfish of the family Linophrynidae, found in all tropical and subtropical oceans at depths below 1,000 m .

Order Myctophiformes

Diaphus handi

Cocco's lantern fish

Diaphus pallidus

Lampadena dea

Lantern fish

Bolinichthys nikolayi

Symbolophorus rufinus


Skinnycheek lanternfish

Pig-headed lantern fish

Gymnoscopelus hintonoides

Pacific blackchin

Diaphus drachmanni

Spothead lantern fish


Diaphus lobatus

Horned lanternfish


Longfin lanternfish

Golden lanternfish

Lampanyctus tenuiformis

Electron subantarctic


Diaphus trachops

Rakery beaconlamp

Pinpoint lampfish

Slendertail lanternfish

Diaphus aliciae


Protomyctophum luciferum


Smallfin lanternfish

Nannobrachium idostigma

Nannobrachium crypticum

Taaningichthys minimus


Diaphus kuroshio

Japanese lanternfish

Bolin's lantern fish

Arctic telescope

Lampadena pontifex

Diaphus nielseni

Wisner's lantern fish


Barnards lanternfishes - Symbolophorus barnardi is a lanternfish in the family Myctophidae, found circumglobally in the southern hemisphere between about 30° S and 11° S at depths of between 100 and 800 m.

Hygophum bruuni

Gymnoscopelus opisthopterus

Triphoturus oculeum

Fragile lantern fish

Gymnoscopelus braueri

Diaphus dahlgreni

Mead's lanternfish

Metelectrona ahlstromi

Hintonia candens

Myctophum lychnobium



Diaphus arabicus

Lampanyctus simulator

Taaning's lantern fish

Bigeye lanternfish

Brokenline lanternfish

Black lantern fish

Gonichthys barnesi

Tarletonbeania taylori

Large-scaled lantern fish

Diaphus roei


Lampadena yaquinae

Nannobrachium gibbsi


Lantern fish

Krefftichthys anderssoni

Hudson's lanternfish

Topside lampfish

Diaphus parri




Myctophum orientale

Smallfin lanternfish

Thickhead lanternfish

Gymnoscopelus microlampas

Diaphus ehrhorni

Diaphus minax

Diaphus longleyi

Warming's lantern fish - Warming's lantern fish, Ceratoscopelus warmingii, is a lanternfish of the family Myctophidae, found circumglobally in both hemispheres, at depths of between 700 and 1,500 m during the day and between 20 and 200 m at night.

Laura's lantern fish

Myctophum fissunovi

Lampanyctus turneri

Electrona paucirastra - Electrona paucirastra is a lanternfish in the family Myctophidae, found around the globe in the southern hemisphere between 35° S and 48° S.

Short-headed lantern fish

Gonichthys venetus

Andersen's lantern fish

Diaphus umbroculus

Slimtail lampfish

Broadfin lampfish

Garnet lanternfish

Nannobrachium indicum

Diaphus subtilis


Lampanyctus hubbsi


Protomyctophum bolini

Mirror lanterfish

Nannobrachium cuprarium

Taaningichthys paurolychnus

Diaphus ostenfeldi


Spiny lantern fish

Popeye lampfish

Evermann's lantern fish


Diaphus garmani

Doflein's false headlightfish

Spinycheek lanternfish

Gymnoscopelus fraseri

Diaphus dehaveni

Diaphus megalops

Metelectrona ventralis

Lantern fish

Longfin lampfish

Electrona antarctica

Diaphus basileusi

Diaphus thiollierei


Nannobrachium phyllisae


Gilbert's large lantern fish

Neoscopelus microchir

Diaphus similis

Protomyctophum gemmatum

Spinytail lampfish


Nannobrachium bristori


Reinhardt's lantern fish

Diaphus jenseni


Transparent lantern fish

Protomyctophum andriashevi



Spotted laternfish

Benoit's lanternfish

Parvilux boschmai


Highseas lampfish

Diaphus faustinoi

Diaphus lucidus

Myctophum indicum

Lampanyctus vadulus

Chubby flashlightfish

Golden-nosed lantern fish

Diaphus antonbruuni

Diaphus whitleyi


Nannobrachium wisneri

Diaphus taaningi

Protomyctophum parallelum

Lampanyctus iselinoides


Blue lanternfish

Diaphus richardsoni

Protomyctophum chilense

Lampadena urophaos atlantica

Nannobrachium fernae

Order Notacanthiformes

Halosaurus sinensis

Longnose tapirfish

Polyacanthonotus africanus

Aldrovandia rostrata


Aldrovandia gracilis - Aldrovandia gracilis is a species of fish in the Halosauridae family.

Bonapart's spiny eel

Halosaurus attenuatus

Halosaurus parvipennis

Aldrovandia oleosa

Notacanthus indicus

Halosaurus carinicauda

Order Ophidiiformes

Alcockia rostrata

Barathronus parfaiti

Apagesoma delosommatus

Barathronus bicolor

Thalassobathia nelsoni

Parabrotula plagiophthalmus

Bony-eared assfish

Barathronus multidens

Aphyonus bolini

Brotulotaenia nielseni

Leucobrotula adipata

Two-spined slopebrotula

Gunther's cuskeel

Abyssobrotula galatheae - Though uncommon, this species is known from the tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans.

Barathronus unicolor

Nielsen's catetyx

Barathronus bruuni

Pelagic brotula

Apagesoma edentatum

Parabrotula tanseimaru

Brotulotaenia brevicauda

Bassozetus zenkevitchi

Lamprogrammus niger

Aphyonus brevidorsalis

Barathronus pacificus

Brotulotaenia nigra

Barathrites parri

Marshall slopebrotula

Barathronus diaphanus

Violet cuskeel

Order Osmeriformes

Mentodus eubranchus

Bruce's argentine

Krefft's smooth-head

Dolichopteryx binocularis

Snubnose blacksmelt

Holtbyrnia ophiocephala

Salmon smooth-head

Rouleina livida

Nansenia sanrikuensis

Normichthys yahganorum

Bathylagus niger

Holtbyrnia conocephala

Fiolenti's smooth-head

Maulisia acuticeps

Mentodus perforatus

Bathylagichthys longipinnis

Bluethroat argentine

Bathytroctes squamosus

Starry smooth-head

Brown slickhead

Threadfin slickhead

Deep-sea smelt

Bathytroctes macrognathus

Leptoderma affinis

Winged spookfish


Mentodus mesalirus

Searsioides multispinus

Longsnout blacksmelt

California smoothtongue

Holtbyrnia laticauda

Elongate smooth-head

Smallscale searsid

Bluntsnout slickhead

Narcetes lloydi

Pectinantus parini

Mentodus bythios

Leaf searsid

Eared blacksmelt

Normichthys herringi

Barbantus elongatus

Bathylagus borealis

Rouleina euryops

Nansenia longicauda

Loosescale smooth-head

Nansenia ahlstromi

Bathylaco nielseni

Fanfin smooth-head

Smallscale smooth-head

Sagamichthys gracilis

Bajacalifornia microstoma

Bathytroctes elegans

Agassiz' smooth-head

Bajacalifornia aequatoris

Antillean smooth-head

Mentodus facilis

Winteria telescopa

Argentine - Argentina striata is a species of fish in the Argentinidae family.

Dolichopteryx brachyrhynchus

Werner's smooth-head

Blackchin blacksmelt

Teardrop tubeshoulder

Conocara kreffti

Palegold searsid

Madeiran smooth-head

Nansenia tenuicauda

Koefoed's searsid

Bathylagoides argyrogaster

Softskin smooth-head

Greenland argentine

Asquamiceps caeruleus

Bathytroctes zugmayeri

Abyssal smooth-head

Koefoed's smooth-head

Leptoderma lubricum

Bajacalifornia erimoensis

Threadfin smooth-head

Bluntsnout smooth-head - The bluntsnout smooth-head, black slickhead, cope's bluntsnout smooth-head, or Atlantic gymnast, Xenodermichthys copei, is a slickhead of the genus Xenodermichthys, found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans, and the Tasman Sea, at depths of 100 to 2,600 m.

Dolichopteryx rostrata

Dolichopteryx anascopa

Bathylagus tenuis

Streaklight tubeshoulder

Murray's smooth-head

Rouleina watasei

Blackhead salmon

Mentodus crassus

Rouleina guentheri

Nansenia megalopa

Multipore searsid

Ghost smelt

Bighead searsid

Conocara bertelseni

Matsuichthys aequipinnis


Nansenia antarctica

Bathytroctes pappenheimi

Schnakenbeck's searsid

Pacific barreleye - Macropinna microstoma is the only species of fish in the genus Macropinna, belonging to Opisthoproctidae, the barreleye family. M.

Bathytroctes inspector

Vaillant's smooth-head

Bajacalifornia arcylepis

Hairfin smooth-head

Dolichopteryx minuscula

Fangtooth smooth-head

Mirrorbelly - The 'mirrorbelly' or 'barreleye' is a barreleye of the genus Opisthoproctus, is found in most deep tropical and subtropical oceans and seas, from depths of 200 to 2,000 m.

Northern smooth-tongue - The Northen smoothtongue is a type of deepwater fish that can grow to a length of 15 centimetres .

Mentodus longirostris

Searsioides calvala

Norman's smooth-head

Pacific black smelt

Holtbyrnia intermedia

Longfin smooth-head

Maulisia isaacsi

Binghamichthys aphos

Rouleina nuda

Narcetes erimelas

Legless searsid

Palebelly searsid

Bathylagus andriashevi

Robust blacksmelt

Rouleina eucla

Nansenia iberica

Asquamiceps hjorti

Toothless smooth-head

Michael Sars smooth-head

Leptoderma retropinna

Pygmy argentine

Shining tubeshoulder

Bigeye smooth-head

Dolichopteryx trunovi

Bathytroctes breviceps

Order Perciformes

Kali parri

Plectranthias parini

Stout slipskin

Pseudoscopelus obtusifrons


Kali falx

Lycodapus derjugini

Pseudoscopelus astronesthidens

Blue driftfish

Bigmouth veilfin

Tonga escolar

Malakichthys barbatus

Melanostigma inexpectatum

Bathyclupea argentea

Pseudoscopelus sagamianus

Tasmanian ruffe

Seleniolycus pectoralis

Pale eelpout

Pseudoscopelus lavenbergi

Atrobucca geniae

Kali macrura

Lycenchelys imamurai

Pseudoscopelus altipinnis

Barracuda cardinalfish

Howella zina

Melanostigma vitiazi

Malakichthys similis

Deepsea herring

Dysalotus oligoscolus

Paracaristius heemstrai

Melanostigma bathium

Pachycara dolichaulus

Thinlip splitfin

Plectranthias robertsi

Stubraker sculpin

Pseudoscopelus parini

Pseudoscopelus bothrorrhinos

Blackfish - The rudderfish, Centrolophus niger , is a medusafish, the only member of the genus Centrolophus.

Kali indica

Platyberyx opalescens

Deepwater slipskin

Eyebrow - The bluefin driftfish or scissortail, Psenes pellucidus, is a pelagic driftfish of the genus Psenes, found in all the world's oceans at depths down to 1,000 m.

Howella parini

New Zealand ruffe

Melanostigma orientale

Malakichthys levis

Bathyclupea gracilis


Seleniolycus robertsi


Pseudoscopelus scutatus

Eumegistus brevorti

Lycodapus microchir

Pseudoscopelus microps

Trewavas croaker

Kali normani

Plectranthias pallidus

Ericandersonia sagamia - Ericandersonia sagamia is a newly-described eelpout of the family Zoarcidae, found in Sagami Bay, Japan, at depths of between 880 and 930 m.

Longfin fathead

Kali colubrina


Pseudoscopelus aphos

Rosenblattia robusta - Rosenblattia robusta is a species of deepwater cardinalfish, the only member of the genus Rosenblattia, found around the world in southern temperate waters.

Caristius groenlandicus

Bathyclupea megaceps

Black swallower

Paracaristius maderensis

Squaretail - The smalleye squaretail, Tetragonurus cuvieri, is a squaretail of the genus Tetragonurus found in all tropical and temperate oceans of the world, at depths up to 800 m.

Limp eelpout - The limp eelpout, Melanostigma gelatinosum, is an eelpout, of the genus Melanostigma, found in all oceans at depths of between 50 and 2,500 m.

Bothrocara nyx

Pseudoscopelus pierbartus

Seleniolycus laevifasciatus

Aethotaxis mitopteryx pawsoni

Bigtooth eelpout

Pseudoscopelus cephalus

Kali macrodon

Sherborn's cardinalfish

African barrelfish

Fan-tailed rag-fish - The ragfish body is scaleless and limp, both because of the cartilaginous skeleton, as well as its flabby muscles.

Midwater eelpout


Malakichthys mochizuki

Bathyclupea hoskynii

Cocoa snapper

Silver splitfin

Atlantic soft pout

White warehou - The white warehou, Seriolella caerulea, is a medusafish of the family Centrolophidae found in the southern Pacific and southern Atlantic oceans, at depths of between 500 and 800 m.


Pseudoscopelus stellatus

Brilliant pomfret

Order Pleuronectiformes

Bathysolea lactea

Smallmouth moonflounder

Deepwater sole

Order Polymixiiformes

Japanese beardfish

Order Saccopharyngiformes

Monognathus berteli

Gulper eel

Monognathus taningi

Saccopharynx thalassa

Monognathus nigeli

Saccopharynx harrisoni

Monognathus bruuni

Monognathus rosenblatti

Monognathus jesperseni

Saccopharynx paucovertebratis

Saccopharynx berteli

Monognathus bertini

Saccopharynx trilobatus

Monognathus ozawai

Monognathus herringi

Saccopharynx hjorti

Neocyema erythrosoma - The bobtail snipe eels are two species of deep-sea fishes in the family Cyematidae, one only in each of two genera.

Monognathus smithi

Monognathus jesse

Pelican eel - The pelican eel's most notable feature is its enormous mouth, much larger than its body.

Saccopharynx ramosus


Monognathus boehlkei

Monognathus rajui

Monognathus isaacsi

Saccopharynx lavenbergi

Bobtail eel - The bobtail snipe eels are two species of deep-sea fishes in the family Cyematidae, one only in each of two genera.

Order Scorpaeniformes

Notoliparis antonbruuni

Blackmouth rockfish

Smalleye dwarf snailfish

Midwater scorpionfish

Squaloliparis dentatus

Genioliparis kafanovi

Careproctus marginatus

Sargasso dwarf snailfish

Tadpole liparid

Short-headed sculpin

Multipore dwarf snailfish

Edentoliparis terraenovae

Paraliparis carlbondi

Icelus mandibularis

Deepwater rockfish - S.

Stein's dwarf snailfish

Gelatinous dwarf snailfish

Acantholiparis caecus

Marvelous dwarf snailfish

Genioliparis ferox

Paraliparis skeliphrus

Order Squaliformes

Lantern sharks - Reproduction is ovoviviparous.

Cylindrical lantern shark - Reproduction is presumed to be ovoviviparous.

Knifetooth dogfish - The knifetooth dogfish, Scymnodon ringens, is a harmless sleeper shark of the family Dalatiidae, found in the eastern Atlantic, from Scotland to Spain, Portugal, and Senegal, and the southwest Pacific from New Zealand, between latitudes 58°N and 15°N, at depths of between 200 and 1,600 m.

Rasptooth dogfish - The rasptooth dogfish, Miroscyllium sheikoi, is a dogfish, the only species in the genus Miroscyllium, found on the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in the northwest Pacific Ocean at depths of 360 m.

Etmopterus dislineatus - Reproduction is ovoviviparous.

Granular dogfish - The granular dogfish has no anal fin, two dorsal spines with the second one much larger than the first, a large second dorsal fin, a long abdomen, small pectoral and pelvic fins, a large eye, prominent nostrils and spiracles, and brownish-black coloration.

Largetooth cookie-cutter shark - The largetooth cookiecutter shark was originally described by New Zealand ichthyologist Jack Garrick and American shark expert Stewart Springer, in a 1964 issue of the scientific journal Copeia.

Whitetail dogfish - The whitetail dogfish is a rare species known only from a few specimens taken by tuna longliners and trawlers.

Japanese velvet dogfish - The Japanese velvet dogfish, Zameus ichiharai, is a harmless deepwater sleeper shark of the family Dalatiidae, found in the northwest Pacific from Suruga Bay and adjacent waters of Japan at depths of between 500 and 800 m.

Pygmy shark - Pygmy sharks are ovoviviparous and produce about 8 young in each litter.

Dwarf lantern shark - American ichthyologists Stewart Springer and George H.

Spined pygmy shark - The spined pygmy shark, Squaliolus laticaudus, is a species of dogfish shark in the family Dalatiidae found widely in all oceans.

Etmopterus caudistigmus - Reproduction is ovoviviparous.

Cigar shark - The cookiecutter shark , also called the cigar shark, is a species of small dogfish shark in the family Dalatiidae.

Pocket shark - The pocket shark is a very poorly known deepwater shark recorded from the Nazca Submarine Ridge off northern Chile.

Lantern sharks - Japanese ichthyologists Shigeru Shirai and Hiroyuki Tachikawa described the blurred lanternshark in a 1993 article in the scientific journal Copeia, as part of a taxonomic revision of the Etmopterus pusillus species group.

Azores dogfish - The Azores dogfish, Scymnodalatias garricki, is a very rare sleeper shark of the family Dalatiidae.

Etmopterus pseudosqualiolus - The false lanternshark, Etmopterus pseudosqualiolus, is a shark of the family Dalatiidae found in the western Pacific from the Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Ridge off New Caledonia.

Etmopterus dianthus - Reproduction is ovoviviparous.

Isistius labialis - Reproduction is aplacental viviparity in the same way as great white sharks.

Order Stephanoberyciformes

Scopelogadus beanii

Poromitra unicornis


Melamphaes macrocephalus


Abyssoberyx levisquamosus

Melamphaes indicus

Slender bigscale



Melamphaes polylepis

Longjaw bigscale


Melamphaes eulepis


Melamphaes spinifer

Twospine bigscale

Melamphaes parini

Scopeloberyx microlepis

Large-headed midnight fish

Melamphaes laeviceps


Yawning - The yawning, Poromitra oscitans, is a fish of the family Melamphaidae, found in tropical and subtropical waters of the indo-Pacific region.

Melamphaes pumilus


Highsnout bigscale


Melamphaes hubbsi

Malacosarcus macrostoma


Scopelogadus unispinis

Poromitra gibbsi

Little bigscale


Melamphaes leprus

Melamphaes ebelingi

Order Stomiiformes

Eustomias curtifilis

Highfin dragonfish

Scaleless dragonfish

Eustomias trewavasae - Eustomias trewavasae is a small abyssal barbeled dragonfish of the family Stomiidae, found worldwide in tropical and subtropical oceans at depths down to 1,500 m.

Astronesthes haplophos

Maurolicus breviculus

Cyclothone obscura

Hatchetfish - Phosichthys argenteus, a lightfish and the only member of the genus Phosichthys, is found in deep subtropical waters of all oceans, from depths of 500 to 2,000 m.

Benttooth bristlemouth

Eustomias cirritus

Melanostomias pollicifer

Valenciennellus carlsbergi

Bathophilus altipinnis

Eustomias ioani

Eustomias schiffi

Astronesthes exsul

Eustomias gibbsi

Eustomias posti

Astronesthes atlanticus

Margrethia valentinae

Astronesthes splendida

Stomias danae

Eustomias braueri

Torpedo dragonfish

Melanostomias globulifer

Eustomias parini



Leptostomias multifilis

Eustomias bibulboides

Ichthyococcus parini

Eustomias aequatorialis

Photonectes margarita

Eustomias minimus

Sladen's hatchet fish

Chauliodus minimus

Slender snaggletooth

Astronesthes leucopogon

Maurolicus rudjakovi

Astronesthes indopacificus

Maurolicus javanicus

Borostomias elucens

Slender bristlemouth

Photonectes albipennis

Eustomias elongatus

Bigeye lightfish

Bathophilus kingi

Eustomias melanostigmoides

Argyripnus pharos

Vinciguerria mabahiss - Vinciguerria mabahiss is a species of Vinciguerria.

Scaleless black dragonfish

Eustomias longiramis

Eustomias tetranema



Eustomias cryptobulbus

Eustomias bulbornatus

Tentacle dragonfish

Eustomias inconstans

Polyipnus soelae

Diplophos rebainsi - Diplophos rebainsi is a bristlemouth of the family Gonostomatidae, found in the south-east and west Pacific, and the South Atlantic oceans.

Eustomias radicifilis

Astronesthes decoratus

Astronesthes trifibulatus

Scaly dragonfish

Astronesthes quasiindicus

Scaly dragonfish

Eustomias bimargaritoides

Elongated bristlemouth fish

Thorophos nexilis

Pacific blackdragon

Eustomias paxtoni

Eustomias multifilis

Aristostomias lunifer

Chauliodus vasnetzovi - Viperfish

Astronesthes macropogon

Highlight hatchetfish


Scaleless dragonfish

Eustomias austratlanticus

Bulldog lightfish

Photostomias goodyeari

Bathophilus proximus

Eustomias micraster

Hatchet fish - The Giant Hatchetfish or Greater Silver Hatchetfish a marine hatchetfish of the genus Argyropelecus, is found in every ocean except the north Pacific in deep tropical and subtropical waters.

Chauliodus dentatus

Astronesthes lamellosus

Pearlsides - Mueller's Pearlside or Mueller's Bristle-mouth Fish, Maurolicus muelleri, a marine hatchetfish of the genus Maurolicus, is found in deep tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, from the surface to depths of 1,500 m.

Panama snaggletooth

Photonectes gracilis

Yellow bristlemouth

Eustomias digitatus

Bathophilus indicus

Eustomias magnificus

Heterophotus ophistoma

Eustomias uniramis

Astronesthes illuminatus

Emperor seamount lightfish

Eustomias schmidti

Astronesthes formosana


Eustomias contiguus

Threelight dragonfish

Melanostomias stewarti


Longfin dragonfish

Eustomias jimcraddocki - Eustomias jimcraddocki is a species of abyssal barbeled dragonfish of the family Stomiidae, found in the western North Atlantic.

Eustomias hulleyi

Polyipnus inermis

Odontostomias masticopogon

Diplophos australis

Eustomias problematicus

Astronesthes bilobatus

Astronesthes tanibe

Stomias gracilis

Eustomias brevibarbatus

Grammatostomias flagellibarba

Melanostomias melanopogon

Eustomias bifilis

Ichthyococcus polli

Eustomias parri

Ebeling's fangjaw

Scaleless dragonfish



Leptostomias robustus

Pacific astronesthid fish

Maurolicus stehmanni

Eustomias albibulbus

Smallhead snaggletooth - The anal fin is narrow but long, reaching almost to the caudal fin.

Photonectes parvimanus

Eustomias monoclonoides

Chauliodus pammelas

Scaleless dragonfish

Eustomias mesostenus

Lovely hatchetfish

Astronesthes karsteni

Maurolicus kornilovorum

Opostomias micripnus

Borostomias mononema

Cyclothone pygmaea

Scaleless dragonfish

Oceanic lightfish - The oceanic lightfish, Vinciguerria nimbaria, a lightfish of the genus Vinciguerria, is found in all deep tropical and subtropical oceans and seas, from depths of 20 to 5,000 m.


Eustomias macronema

Eustomias tomentosis

Astronesthes gudrunae

Maurolicus australis


Eustomias curtatus

Triplophos hemingi


Alcock's boafish

Eustomias cancriensis

Melanostomias nigroaxialis

Eustomias interruptus

Eustomias satterleei

Astronesthes dupliglandis

Eustomias pinnatus

Sonoda paucilampa

Manducus maderensis

Astronesthes similus

Shortbarbel dragonfish

Eustomias bituberoides

Gonostoma longipinnis

Thysanactis dentex

Black dragonfish - Idiacanthus atlanticus is a barbeled dragonfish of the family Stomiidae, found circumglobally in southern subtropical and temperate oceans between latitudes 25°S and 60°S, at depths down to 2,000 m.

Scaleless dragonfish

Eustomias pacificus

Aristostomias polydactylus

Astronesthes martensii

Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana

Leptostomias longibarba

Eustomias bertelseni



Scaleless dragonfish

Eustomias micropterygius

Half-naked hatchetfish

Pacific viperfish - Pacific viperfish can be characterized by its large mouth, long fang-like teeth and long dorsal fin ray .

Scaleless dragonfish

Astronesthes lampara

Maurolicus parvipinnis

Pachystomias microdon

Photonectes leucospilus

Eustomias vitiazi

Astronesthes indicus

Maurolicus inventionis

Bonapartia pedaliota

Cyclothone parapallida

Photonectes achirus

Eustomias dispar

Stareye lightfish - The stareye lightfish is a species in the monotypic genus of Pollichthys.


Bathophilus irregularis

Eustomias medusa

Argyripnus iridescens

Bathophilus brevis

Eustomias lanceolatus

Araiophos eastropas

Eustomias spherulifer

Astronesthes galapagensis

Deep-water bristlemouth

Eustomias crossotus

Valdivia black dragon fish

Eustomias ignotus

Polyipnus meteori

Odontostomias micropogon

Diplophos pacificus

Eustomias quadrifilis

Astronesthes chrysophekadion

Astronesthes tatyanae

Stomias lampropeltis

Eustomias bulbiramis

Melanostomias melanopogon

Eustomias bimargaritatus

Atlantic fangjaw

Thorophos euryops

Eustomias patulus

Slender fangjaw


Black-belly dragonfish

Eustomias monoclonus

Aristostomias grimaldii

Chauliodus schmidti


Sternoptyx obscura

Maurolicus walvisensis

Eustomias australensis

Slim lightfish

Photostomias atrox

Yarrella argenteola

Bathophilus pawneei

Eustomias metamelas

Pacific hatchet fish

Astronesthes kreffti

Maurolicus mucronatus

Pitgum lanternfish

Borostomias pacificus

Arrow dragonfish

Photonectes caerulescens

Order Tetraodontiformes

Atrophacanthus japonicus

Triacanthodes intermedius

Sharpfin sunfish - The sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus, is a species of mola found circumglobally in tropical and temperate waters.

Order Zeiformes

Stethopristes eos

Spiky oreo - The spiky oreo, Neocyttus rhomboidalis, is an oreo of the genus Neocyttus, found in all southern oceans at depths of between 200 and 1,300 m.

Allocyttus guineensis

False boarfish

Black oreo - The black oreo is very similar in shape to the warty oreo.

Elongate dory - The elongate dory, Zenion leptolepis, is a dory, in the genus Zenion, found around South Africa, southern Australia, and New Zealand at depths of between 350 and 700 m.

Rosy dory


Neocyttus acanthorhynchus