Many types of fish migrate on a regular basis, on time scales ranging from daily to annual, and over distances ranging from a few meters to thousands of kilometers. Fish usually migrate because of diet or reproductive needs, although in some cases the reason for migration remains unknown.
Eel - The eel lives in fresh water and only leaves this habitat to enter the Atlantic ocean for spawning.
Speckled longfin eel - The long-finned eel is a native of New Guinea, eastern Australia , Lord Howe Island, and New Caledonia.
Indian short-finned eel - Anguilla bicolor is a species of eel in the genus Anguilla of the family Anguillidae consisting of two sub-species.
Japanese eel - Populations of the Japanese eel, along with anguillid eel populations worldwide, have declined drastically in recent years.
Giant mottled eel - This anguillid species can be found from East Africa to French Polynesia and north to southern Japan.
New Guinea thryssa - The freshwater anchovy is a species of fish in the Engraulidae family.
Freshwater springer - The freshwater mullet, Myxus capensis, is a species of fish in the Mugilidae family.
South African mullet - The South African mullet or harder mullet, Liza richardsonii, is a species of mullet.
Thicklip grey mullet - It is a common fish of shallow, sheltered coasts, estuaries, and around power station and sewer outfalls; it can also enter fresh water areas.
Clarence galaxias - The Clarence galaxias is a species of fish in the Galaxiidae family.
Common galaxias - The common galaxias, Galaxias maculatus, is a species of fish from the galaxiid family that is very widespread in the southern hemisphere.
Twospotted cichlid - Cichlasoma bimaculatum is an omnivorous, freshwater, tropical fish commonly referred to as the Black Acara or two-spot cichlid.
Jarbua terapon - Terapon jarbua is a Grunter from the Indo-Pacific.
Barramundi - Barramundi is a loanword from an Australian Aboriginal language of the Rockhampton area in Queensland L.
Flounder - The distinctive features of the starry flounder include the combination of black and white-to-orange bar on the dorsal and anal fins, as well as the skin covered with scales modified into tiny star-shaped plates or tubercles , resulting in a rough feel.
Black flounder - The black flounder, Rhombosolea retiaria, is a flatfish of the genus Rhombosolea, found around New Zealand in shallow enclosed waters and coastal freshwater lakes.
European flounder - The European flounder is oval in shape and is usually right-eyed.