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Many types of fish migrate on a regular basis, on time scales ranging from daily to annual, and over distances ranging from a few meters to thousands of kilometers. Fish usually migrate because of diet or reproductive needs, although in some cases the reason for migration remains unknown.
Slender giant moray - The slender giant moray or gangetic moray, Strophidon sathete, is the longest member of the family of moray eels.
Silver needlefish - The freshwater garfish, Xenentodon cancila is the sole member of its genus.
Pondicherry shark - The Pondicherry shark, Carcharhinus hemiodon is a requiem shark of the family Carcharhinidae, found in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean between latitudes 25° N and 13° S.
Broadfin shark - The broadfin shark, Lamiopsis temminckii, the only member of the genus Lamiopsis, is a shark of the family Carcharhinidae, found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific oceans between latitudes 24° N and 4° S, from the surface to 50 m.
Arrow headed hammerhead shark - The winghead shark, Eusphyra blochii, is a species of hammerhead shark, family Sphyrnidae, named for the remarkably wide lobes on its head.
Sandy sprat - The Sandy sprat, Hyperlophus vittatus, also known as the glassies, glassy, white pilchard, or whitebait, is a type of sprat fish.
Pool barb - The pool barb is a tropical freshwater and brackish fish belonging to the Puntius genus in the family Cyprinidae.
Freshwater bream - The white Amur bream is a species of cyprinid fish, of the monotypic genus Parabramis.
Rainwater killifish - The rainwater killifish, is a species of fish in the Fundulidae family.
Atlantic tarpon - In appearance, it is greenish or bluish on top, and silver on the sides.
Arctic cod - Navaga fish usually occur at shallow depths, along shores with soft bottoms, close to the ice and on the continental shelf.
Cod - Its range spans the North Pacific, from off the Korean coasts until beyond Bering Straits, off the Alaskan coasts.
Leopard shark - The zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum , is a species of carpet shark and the sole member of the family Stegostomatidae.
Shortjaw kokopu - The shortjaw kokopu, Galaxias postvectis, is a galaxiid of the genus Galaxias, found only in New Zealand, apart from the Chatham and Stewart/Rakiura islands.
Banded kokopu - The banded kokopu, Galaxias fasciatus, is a galaxiid of the genus Galaxias, found only in New Zealand, including the Chatham and Stewart/Rakiura islands.
Ryukyu ayu-fish - The name "sweetfish" is due to the sweetness of its flesh.
Tasmanian mudfish - N.
Spotted mountain trout - Spotted galaxias has a very wide distribution, being found in southern Victoria, all of Tasmania, offshore islands in between, as well as south-west Western Australia.
Maori trout - The giant kokopu, Galaxias argenteus, is a galaxiid of the genus Galaxias, found only in New Zealand.
Koaro - The climbing galaxias is unlikely to be confused with the other diadromous whitebait species because of its shape.
Burrowing goby - This species has a very limited distribution and is threatened by coastal development, pollution and siltation of estuaries caused by soil erosion from further inland.
Black pargue - Its color is typically greyish red, but it can change color from bright red to copper red.
Smallscaled spinycheek sleeper
Bumblebee goby - B.
Large-scaled spinycheek sleeper
Shrimp scad - The shrimp scad is one of five species of fish in the scad genus Alepes, which itself is one of thirty genera in the jack family Carangidae.
Slender mudskipper - Zappa is a genus of goby named after musician Frank Zappa "for his articulate and sagacious defense of the First Amendment of the U.
Mozambique tilapia - The Mozambique tilapia is laterally compressed, and has a deep body with long dorsal fins.
Seargent fish - One of the largest snooks, C.
Spotted goby - Knight Gobies live in fresh and brackish waters in Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and the Philippines.
Bayad - It is predominantly an inshore fish, inhabiting reefs down to depths of around 100 m in both coastal zones and offshore islands, often venturing into estuaries and sandy bays as juveniles.
Banded archerfish - The name refers to Sagittarius the archer, because of the unusual method banded archerfish use to capture prey.
Bluegilled bully - The bluegill bully, Gobiomorphus hubbsi, is a sleeper of the genus Gobiomorphus, found in most rivers in the North and South Islands of New Zealand.
Loach goby - Thacker and Hardman's study of the molecular phylogeny of the gobies indicates that the loach goby is the most primitive member of the gobioidei.
Stimpson's goby - The nopoli rockclimbing goby, oopu nopili, or Stimpson's goby is a species of fish in the Gobiidae family.
Gangetic sillago - The Gangetic whiting is the only species of the genus Sillaginopsis, which itself is one of three genera the family Sillaginidae, containing all the smelt whitings.
Violet goby - Violet gobies are found all along the Atlantic coast from Georgia in the United States of America, to northern Brazil.
Dwarf pigmygoby - The dwarf pygmy goby is a tropical freshwater fish of the family Gobiidae.
Torrent fish - The torrent fish, Cheimarrichthys fosteri, is the only member of the genus Cheimarrichthys which in turn is the only member of the family Cheimarrichthyidae.
Common bully - The common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus, is a sleeper of the genus Gobiomorphus, found in New Zealand.
Atlantic cutlassfish - Largehead hairtails can grow to over 2 m in length; the largest recorded weight is 5 kg and the oldest recorded age is 15 years.
Stiphodon aureorostrum - This species stands as something of a giant among the diminutive members of this genus with one female being the largest Stiphodon individual recorded.
Redfinned bully - The redfinned bully, Gobiomorphus huttoni, is a sleeper of the genus Gobiomorphus, found in rivers in New Zealand and the Chatham Islands.
Periophthalmodon septemradiatus
Cleftbelly trevally - The cleftbelly trevally is the only species in the genus Atropus, which is one of 31 genera in the jack family, Carangidae.
Coastal trevally - The coastal trevally is formally classified within the genus Carangoides, one of a number of groups of fish referred to as jacks and trevallies.
Giant bully - It is very similar to the common bully; they have seven spines in the first dorsal fin but giant bullies always have six.
Rhinogobius giurinus - Barcheek goby, Rhinogobius giurinus is a species of the family Gobiidae.
Pearl-spot - The species co-occurs throughout its range with the Green chromide .
Caspian round goby - Round gobies are small, soft-bodied fish, characterized by a distinctive black spot on the first dorsal fin.
Pacific fat sleeper - Dormitator latifrons mainly feeds on detritus and MOND and vegetal rest, but in addition it includes in his diet micromoluscus, ostracodos, nemertinos, trematodos, grudges of fish, copepodos, annelids, larvae of insects and possibly inorganic sediments with which it also incorporates some foraminiferos.
Tiera batfish - Platax teira is a fish from the Indo-West Pacific.
Hogchoker - Distinguished from other species by an inter-brachial septum lacking a foramen.
Largescale tonguesole - The eyed side of the fish is uniform brown, with a dark patch on the gill cover, and its blind side is white.
Karati hangar - The knifetooth sawfish , also known as the pointed sawfish or narrow sawfish, is a sawfish of the family Pristidae, found in the shallow coastal waters and estuaries of the Indo-West Pacific, ranging from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf to southern Japan, Papua New Guinea and northern Australia.
Bishop ray - The spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari, Euphrasen , or bonnet ray, is a cartilaginous fish found in shallow coastal water by coral reefs and bays, in depths down to 80 meters .
Cowtail stingray - The cowtail stingray, Pastinachus sephen, is a species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae, widespread in the Indo-Pacific region and occasionally entering freshwater habitats.
Pale-edged stingray - The pale-edged stingray or sharpnose stingray, Dasyatis zugei, is a species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae, found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans from India to Indonesia and Japan.
Banded eagle ray - The banded eagle ray is a species of fish in the Myliobatidae family.
Eagle ray - The longheaded eagle ray is a species of fish in the Myliobatidae family.
Pacific staghorn sculpin - Staghorn sculpins are slender fish, with a grayish olive above, pale creamy yellow sides, and a white belly.
Black catfish - Like most of the bullheads it has a squared tail fin, which is strikingly different than the forked tail of channel and blue catfish.
Gogra rita - Rita gogra is a species of catfish of the family Bagridae.
Silond catfish - Silonia is a genus of catfishes of the family Schilbeidae.
Deccan rita - Rita kuturnee is an extinct species of catfish of the family Bagridae.
Mahanadi rita - Rita chrysea is a species of catfish of the family Bagridae.
Sea pony - The sea pony is a species of fish in the Syngnathidae family.
Black-striped pipefish - Syngnathus abaster is a species of fish in the Syngnathidae family.
Xenopterus naritus - Xenopterus naritus is a genus of Tetraodontidae.