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Any water in the sea that is not close to the bottom is in the pelagic zone. The word pelagic comes from the Greek πέλαγος or pélagos, which means open sea.
Waccamaw silverside - Known only from Lake Waccamaw and the upper Waccamaw River in Columbus County, North Carolina, the silverside is found in the upper Waccamaw River only during periods of high water and is not a permanent resident.
Paratherina cyanea - Paratherina cyanea is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Redfinned blue-eye - It is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and as Endangered under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992.
Bedotia masoala - Bedotia masoala is a species of fish in the Bedotiidae family.
Telmatherina wahjui - Telmatherina wahjui is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Celebes Rainbow - Telmatherina celebensis is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Tominanga aurea - Tominanga aurea is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Paratherina wolterecki - Paratherina wolterecki is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Telmatherina prognatha - Telmatherina prognatha is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Telmatherina antoniae - Telmatherina antoniae is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Bleher's rainbowfish - Bleher's rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.
Paratherina labiosa - Paratherina labiosa is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Popondetta blue-eye - The Popondetta blue-eye or popondetta rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Pseudomugilidae family.
Telmatherina obscura - Telmatherina obscura is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Tominanga sanguicauda - Tominanga sanguicauda is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Basilichthys microlepidotus - Basilichthys microlepidotus is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Bedotia marojejy - Bedotia marojejy is a species of fish in the Bedotiidae family.
Telmatherina sarasinorum - Telmatherina sarasinorum is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Sentani rainbowfish - The sentani rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.
Telmatherina bonti - Telmatherina bonti is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Paratherina striata - Paratherina striata is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Cape blue-eye - The cape blue-eye is a species of fish in the Pseudomugilidae family.
Teramulus waterloti - Teramulus waterloti is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Telmatherina opudi - Telmatherina opudi is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Telmatherina abendanoni - Telmatherina abendanoni is a species of fish in the Telmatherinidae family.
Axelrod's rainbowfish - Axelrod's rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.
Sarasins minnow - Xenopoecilus sarasinorum is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.
Hemirhamphodon chrysopunctatus
Eggcarrying buntingi - The egg-carrying buntingi is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.
Robert's river garfish - Robert's river garfish is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.
Duckbilled buntingi - The Duck-billed Buntingi is on average about 11 cm long
Allen's river garfish - Allen's river garfish is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.
Poso halfbeak - The Poso halfbeak is a species of fish in the Hemiramphidae family.
Elongate Poso minnow - Popta's buntingi is a species of fish in the Adrianichthyidae family.
Wimple piranha - The wimple piranha is not traditionally considered to be a true piranha; the shape of its teeth and the presence of two rows of teeth on the upper jaw makes it different from the other piranha genera.
Marbled headstander - The marbled headstander generally inhabits streams and rivers of the Orinoco and Amazon river systems.
Piaba - The Neon Tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen.
Blackamoor - Growing to about 6 cm total length, the black tetra has a roughly tetragonal body shape and is greyish in colour, fading from light at the nose to near black at the tail.
Pygmy hatchetfish - The pygmy hatchetfish grows to about 2.
Citharinops distichodoides thomasi
Blackline penguinfish - The species was previously misidentified as Thayeria sanctaemariae
Sadler's robber - It is found in Burundi, Kenya, and Uganda.
Bucktooth tetra - This species is of typical elongated tetra appearance; it is light tan in appearance with two distinct black spots .
Brachypetersius pseudonummifer
Microstomatichthyoborus bashforddeani
Green neon tetra - This fish is similar in appearance to the closely-related and better-known neon tetra, but it is slightly smaller and its red patch is less pronounced, while the blue-green areas of the upper body are more brilliant.
Emporer Tetra - The Emperor tetra is a placid aquarium fish so avoid boisterous companions.
Dwarf Lake Turkana robber - The dwarf lake turkana robber is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Silver dollar - The silver dollar is a peaceful schooling species that spends most of its time in the mid- to upper-level of the water.
Silver distichodus - The silver distichodus is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.
Rhabdalestes leleupi - Rhabdalestes leleupi is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Marbled hatchetfish - The Marbled Hatchetfish is common in the aquarium industry.
X-ray tetra - Pristella maxillaris is a small, adaptable fish that is easily kept in a home aquarium and will eat most prepared foods.
Hyphessobrycon columbianus - Only recently introduced to the aquarium trade, it is one of the more expensive tetras.
Sixbar distichodus - The Six-banded distichodus is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.
River hatchetfish - The river hatchetfish is a schooling species best kept in groups of five or more that spends most of its time in the top-level of the water where it searches for food.
Scarlet characin - The cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, is a freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes.
Alestes stuhlmannii - Alestes stuhlmannii is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Spotted metynnis - The silver dollar is a peaceful schooling species that spends most of its time in the mid- to upper-level of the water.
Microstomatichthyoborus katangae
Pangani robber - The Pangani robber is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Large-toothed Lake Turkana robber - It is endemic to Kenya, and its natural habitat is freshwater lakes.
Blackwing hatchetfish - Black-winged hatchetfish has a convex body.
Red piranha - The Red-bellied piranha is a species of piranha.
Hemigrammocharax lineostriatus
Silver tip - The males have a copper color, the females are more pale and silverish.
Petersius conserialis - Petersius conserialis is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family, and the sole member of the genus Petersius.
Brycinus rhodopleura - Brycinus rhodopleura is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Distichodus rufigiensis - Distichodus rufigiensis is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.
Silver hatchetfish - It has the capability of "flying" out of an aquarium, so precautions should be taken.
Astrabad shad - Alosa caspia is a shad living in the Caspian Sea
Denticeps clupeoides - The denticle herring is a small species of ray-finned fish found only in the rivers of Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, related to the herrings, but notable for its large anal fin and its array of denticle like scales under the head giving it almost a furry appearance.
Sharpnosed sawtooth pellonuline
Agrakhan shad - Alosa sphaerocephala is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.
Indian river shad - Gudusia chapra is a shad of the Clupeidae family,
Caspian marine shad - Caspian Marine Shad is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.
Macedonia shad - The liparia or Macedonian shad is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Laotian shad - Tenualosa thibaudeaui is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Ansorge's fangtooth pellonuline
Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus
Bluntnosed sawtooth pellonuline
Alosa vistonica - Alosa vistonica is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Enzeli shad - Alosa caspia is a shad living in the Caspian Sea
Clupeonella abrau muhlisi - Clupeonella abrau is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Bombon sardine - S.
Saposhnikovi shad - Alewife is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.
Mediterranean shad - Alosa agone is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.
Lake Tanganyika sardine - The Lake Tanganyika sardine is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Australian river gizzard shad - A deep bodied, laterally compressed fish with a blunt snout.
Whitehead's sawtooth pellonuline
Lake Tanganyika sprat - The Lake Tanganyika sprat is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Papuan river sprat - The toothed river herring is a species of fish in the Clupeidae family.
Alosa volgensis - Alosa volgensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa.
Barbus versluysii - Barbus versluysii is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Barbus carcharhinoides - Barbus carcharhinoides is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Boga-portuguesa - Chondrostoma almacai is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Chondrostoma.
Belica - The Moderlieschen or Belica is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Longjaw minnow - Longjaw Minnow is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Notropis.
Giant danio - In the wild, Giant Danios live in clear streams and rivers among hills at elevations up to 1000 ft above sea level.
Barbus tanapelagius - Barbus tanapelagius is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Barbus aliciae - Barbus aliciae is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Schizothorax heterophysallidos
Devario quangbinhensis - Devario quangbinhensis or Chela quangbinhensis is a species of fish endemic to Asia in general and in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh province, Bac Trung Bo, Vietnam in particular.
Barbus lornae - Barbus lornae is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Ziege - It is found in Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Republic of, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Boga-portuguesa - Chondrostoma almacai is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Chondrostoma.
Leaping barb - Chela caeruleostigmata is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Silver cyprinid - Being a fast-swimming smallish fish of the open waters, it has been better able to withstand the ecological upheaval caused mainly by the introduced predator Lates niloticus than most other local species.
Barbus osseensis - Barbus osseensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Devario browni - Devario brownii is a species of fish in the family Cyprinidae.
Barbus huguenyi - Barbus huguenyi is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Hoven's carp - The Sultan fish is a common feature on the menu of many local Chinese restaurants as it makes for good eating.
Lake Turkana barb - The Lake Turkana Barb is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Barbus melanotaenia - Barbus melanotaenia is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Rhodeus pseudosericeus - When spawning, the females deposit their eggs inside bivalves, where they hatch and the young remain until they can swim.
Giant salmon carp - The giant salmon carp is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family, of the monotypic genus Aaptosyax.
Anaecypris hispanica - Its natural habitats are rivers and intermittent rivers.
Dadio - Research in 2001 by Fang Fang suggests that the Genus Chela is closely related to the Devarios.
Barbus serengetiensis - Barbus serengetiensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Barbodes polylepis - Barbodes polylepis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbodes.
Barbus leptopogon - Barbus leptopogon is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Clypeobarbus bomokandi - Clypeobarbus bomokandi is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Clypeobarbus.
Hemigrammocapoeta caudomaculata - Hemigrammocapoeta caudomaculata is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Simpsonichthys perpendicularis
Pseudopoecilia austrocolumbiana
Dusky millions fish - Phalloceros caudimaculatus is a species fish of often kept in aquariums, because of the relative ease of breeding.
Sternarchogiton preto - As its scientific name suggests, S.
Australian smelt - Widely distributed through the south eastern part of the Australian mainland.
Heterotis - Like the other Osteoglossids, the African arowana is a long-bodied fish with large scales, long dorsal and anal fins set far back on the body, and a rounded caudal fin.
Freshwater butterflyfish - Freshwater butterfly fish are small, no more than 13 centimetres in length, with very large pectoral fins.
Shad mooneye - The scientific name means shad-like toothed hyoid .
Spotted bonytongue - Along with the gulf saratoga , the saratoga is also known as the Australian arowana and barramundi, although the latter name is nowadays reserved in Australia for the unrelated Lates calcarifer.
Forktail lates - The forktail lates is a species of fish in the Latidae family.
Paracyprichromis brieni - Paracyprichromis brieni is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Pholidochromis cerasina - List of marine aquarium fish species
Bathybates vittatus - Bathybates vittatus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Paretroplus menarambo - Species requires lots of room for breeding.
Bathybates fasciatus - Bathybates fasciatus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Cave gudgeon - The blind gudgeon is a species of fish in the Eleotridae family.
Cardiopharynx schoutedeni - Cardiopharynx schoutedeni is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon limnothrissa - Diplotaxodon limnothrissa is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Benthochromis melanoides - Benthochromis melanoides is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Hemibates stenosoma - Hemibates stenosoma is a species of fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa.
Baileychromis centropomoides - Baileychromis centropomoides is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Bathybates leo - Bathybates leo is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Aulonocranus dewindti - Aulonocranus dewindti is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Paretroplus gymnopreopercularis
Zander - The zander is a common and popular game fish in Europe.
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis - Paracyprichromis nigripinnis is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Haplotaxodon microlepis - Haplotaxodon microlepis is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Bathybates graueri - Bathybates graueri is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Bathybates minor - Bathybates minor is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Ptychochromoides vondrozo - Ptychochromoides vondrozo is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Giant cichlid - This is arguably the largest cichlid, growing to a length of over 90 cm and weighing up to 4-5 kg.
Bloomfield river cod - The species name wujalwujalensis comes from the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal community on the Bloomfield River, and the genus name Guyu comes from the tribe's name for this fish.
Bathybates hornii - Bathybates hornii is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Kiyi - This is one of the smaller ciscoes.
Bonneville cisco - The species is listed as a Wildlife Species of Concern by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
Chiapas catfish - It first came to the attention of scientists in 1996 when Rócio Rodiles-Hernández, a Mexican ichthyologist conducting a biotic survey on the river, collected the first specimens from the Chiapas-Guatemala border.
Entomocorus radiosus - Entomocorus radiosus is a species of catfish of family Auchenipteridae.
Monotretus turgidus - Monotretus turgidus is a genus of Tetraodontidae.