Nilgai -- The Horse-like, Camel-like Antelope

Nilgai were imported to southern Texas, USA during the 1930s-1940s as game animals. Now they number close to 37,000 on ranches and in the wild. Since Nilgai are native to a different climate, an extremely cold winter in South Texas may kill many. However, they have no natural predators in Texas, so their numbers are increasing. Nilgai are hunted as game, and hunting ranches in South Texas will arrange guided hunts. Also, Nilgai meat and hide products are for sale at certain ranches in Texas, and through on-line sources.
The average size for a Nilgai is 180-200 cm (6-6.5 ft.), and weight is about 120-240kg (264-528 lb.), with the males being larger than the females. Calves weigh 13-16 kg (30-35 lb.) at birth. Mating takes place year round, but the peak is December-March. The bulls compete for the females in mating season by posturing, neck wrestling, and occasionally resort to fighting with their horns. Rarely, they fight to the death. Gestation period is 245 days (8 months), and females usually give birth to two calves. Family groups are composed of one male and several cows and calves with 4-20 animals per group. The Nilgai becomes sexually mature around 3-4 years of age and has a life span of 21 years.
In India and Texas, Nilgai compete with the cattle for food sources. They eat shoots, buds, flowers, fruit, and farmer’s crops when food is scarce. Some Indian farmers have built 6-7 ft. fences to prevent Nilgai from eating their crops, but since it is an antelope, it easily jumps these fences. The Nilgai is truly a remarkable as well as unusual looking animal.
Picture of the Nilgai by Thomas Schoch, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license and GFDL.
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