In the news: Snatched penquin may be christmas gift

Updated: Read entry of 30 december here.
four comments:
Could be true!
That one “wacko” impressionist wanted to thrill someone this Christmas with an innocent penquin.
Let us just pray the penquin survives.
Orikinla Osinachi (Email) (URL) - 22 12 05 - 15:29
I read this article last week of the missing penquin named Toga and I have been curious of his return. Has Toga been found and if so, how is he? I am a HUGE animal lover and this article has me upset that someone could do such a cruel thing. Please email me and let me know. Thank you.
Julie Messina (Email) - 27 12 05 - 21:34
As far as i know he has not been found… The zoo increased the reward to $8,750
Dan2000 - 27 12 05 - 22:13
Please anyone who knows the fate of this penquin let me know.Its been on my mind since i saw it on news.
lindy (Email) - 29 12 05 - 04:55