Atlantic whitefish

The Atlantic whitefish is a freshwater salmonid fish inhabiting the northwestern Atlantic ocean around the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, as well as some freshwater lakes within Nova Scotia.

The Atlantic whitefish lives in the pelagic-neritic, anadromous, freshwater, brackish, marine environment.

The Atlantic whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani) is a freshwater salmonid fish inhabiting the northwestern Atlantic ocean around the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, as well as some freshwater lakes within Nova Scotia. C. More

* Atlantic whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani in the genus Coregonus * Round whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum in the genus Prosopium * Mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni in the genus More

258 COMMENTS ON HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS - The Atlantic whitefish is an anadromous, seagoing whitefish occurring in only a few river and lakes in southwestern Nova Scotia. Its habitat requirements, in both the sea and fresh water, are largely unknown. More

The endangered Atlantic whitefish is not found anywhere in the world except for Nova Scotia. Historically, this fish has been found in only the Tusket River and the Petite Rivi More

Atlantic whitefish populations is the presence of smallmouth bass, which were introduced to Nova Scotia in 1942. More

The Atlantic whitefish is a salmon-like fish with a black, dark green or blue back, a white underbelly, and silver coloured sides. This species is anadromous in parts of its Canadian range. This means that it lives in the ocean and spawns in freshwater. More

Unique to Canada, Atlantic whitefish have been reported only in the Tusket River and Petite Riviere watersheds in southern Nova Scotia. Sadly, the Tusket River population has been extirpated. The Petite Riviere population may, in fact, represent the last remaining Atlantic whitefish in the world. More

The Atlantic whitefish is a member of the family Salmonidae and is related to salmon and trout. It is often called Acadian whitefish, Sault whitefish, round whitefish and common whitefish. More

Unique to Canada, Atlantic whitefish have been reported only in the Tusket River and Petite Riviere watersheds in southern Nova Scotia. More

The Atlantic whitefish has silvery sides, a silvery-to-white belly, and a dark blue-to-dark green back. The fish has an elongated body and a mouth at the end of its snout rather than under its head. Adult fish range from 18 to 40 cm in length. More

Common names

acadian whitefish in English
Atlantic whitefish in English
Atlantisk helt in Danish (dansk)
Cisco in English
Cisco in French (français)
Common whitefish in English
lake whitefish in English
round whitefish in English
Sault whitefish in English
亨氏白鮭 in Mandarin Chinese
亨氏白鲑 in Mandarin Chinese
加拿大白鮭 in Mandarin Chinese
加拿大白鲑 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Salmoniformes
Family : Salmonidae
Genus : Coregonus
Species : Coregonus huntsmani
Authority : Scott, 1987