Platy Monterrey

IUCN lists the Monterrey platyfish, formerly widespread in Mexico, as Critically Endangered, upgraded from Endangered in 1996.

The Platy Monterrey is classified as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

Reintroducción fallida del Platy MonterreyEn Amin Zero el 2008.10.20 Fotografía: Wikipedia Este jueves pasado apareció en varios periódicos de la localidad un artículo donde se consignaba que La Casa de los Loros se haría acreedora a una multa de 2. More

small Xiphophorus call couchianos or Platy Monterrey, but now is gone because of the introduction of Aquarium swordtails, like Xiphophorus helleri, and becasue the hybirdization with the couchianos, the line its gone, you can rarely find one fish that looks like couchianos, but you dont know if in More

Order : Cyprinodontiformes
Family : Poeciliidae
Genus : Xiphophorus
Species : Xiphophorus couchianus
Authority : Girard, 1859