Capoeta umbla

The Capoeta umbla lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.

Histogram 1 : Ekim-Aralık Döneminde Capoeta capoeta umbla Fertlerinin Sindirim Aygıtlarında Bulunan Organizmaların Bulunuş Frekanslarının Yüzdeleri. Aylar Ekim-Aralık Ocak-Mart Nisan-Haziran Temmuz-Eylül Bitkisel organizmalar Cyclotella 28.26 52.89 42.99 15.25 Amphora 56.52 46.37 23.59 47.45 Cocconeis 10.00 9.42 2.80 6. More

MCHC) of Capoeta capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843), living in Tuzla stream The effects of sewage sludge applications on nutrient and heavy metal concentration in a calcareous soil The effects of sewage sludge applications on the yield, growth, nutrition and heavy metal accumulation in apple trees growing in More

as Capoeta capoeta umbla is 2n=150, possibly hexaploid (Kılıç Demirok and Ünlü, 2001) and of fish identified as C. damascina from the Wadi Karak, Jordan 2n=148-150, indicating a hexaploid species (Gorshkova et al., 2002). More

capoeta umbla Heckel,1843 Living in The Region Between Sivas and Erzincan of Upper Euphrates 23 - 40 ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in the region of River Euphrates located between Sivas and More

Order : Cypriniformes
Family : Cyprinidae
Genus : Capoeta
Species : Capoeta umbla
Authority : Heckel, 1843