Black redhorse

A bottom-feeder, it feeds on microcrustaceans, aquatic insects, detritus, and algae.

The Black redhorse lives in the demersal, freshwater environment.

The black redhorse, Moxostoma duquesni, (or duquesnii) is a species of freshwater fish endemic to Ontario and the eastern half of the United States, where it lives in streams and small to medium rivers. A bottom-feeder, it feeds on microcrustaceans, aquatic insects, detritus, and algae. More

The black redhorse is one of seven species of redhorse suckers found in Ohio. They are large bottom feeding fish that are often mistaken for carp. More

A member of the sucker family, the black redhorse is one of six redhorse species found in New York State. It spawns in the spring when the water temperature is between 56-72 F. More

adult black redhorse were tagged and released. In late October, this region of the river was sampled with a large boat electrofisher. A total of 117 black redhorse were anchor-tagged and PIT tagged and released. More

The black redhorse is the only Moxostoma that has 10 pelvic fin rays; all other species have nine. The lateral line is complete, with 44 to 47 scales. More

In 2007, black redhorse were found to closely associate with greater redhorse (Moxostoma valenciennesi), and shared the same spawning riffles. More

Black - The black redhorse is a slender sucker and the only Moxostoma that has 10 pelvic fin rays, all other species have nine. More

A vacuum cleaner of southwestern Ontario rivers, the black redhorse is a bottom-feeding fish that sucks up crustaceans, insects and tiny plant particles. More

The black redhorse is a threatened species in Iowa (571 IAC 77.2(2) (2004)). Originally, the range of this species was thought to be limited to the Turkey and Upper Iowa river drainages (Harlan et al. 1987). More

Features: The Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei) is a small sucker with the characteristic downward-facing mouth. It lives in pools and riffle areas of relatively large streams and rivers. Status: Threatened Provincially and Nationally Range: The Black Redhorse is found in north-central North America. More

Black Redhorses live in streams that have gravel bottoms and permanent flow of clear, cool water. Usually they are found in deeper "runs" (places where the water flows rapidly, but smoothly) rather than in quiet pools or turbulent riffles. More

The Black Redhorse is a pollution sensitive species that is often associated with high water quality. More

Common names

black redhorse in English
Pakaprovec minnesotský in Czech (česky)
Sort hestefisk in Danish (dansk)
杜氏吸口魚 in Mandarin Chinese
杜氏吸口鱼 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Cypriniformes
Family : Catostomidae
Genus : Moxostoma
Species : Moxostoma duquesnii
Authority : Lesueur, 1817