Requiem shark

It is viviparous, with 5 young in a litter, the size at birth being about 53 cm.

Picture of the Requiem shark has been licensed under a GFDL
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License

The Requiem shark lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 15 - 192 m, usually 15 - 24 m environment.

"The Requiem Shark" by Nicholas Griffin = Monday, Apr 10, 2000 09:00 PDT "The Requiem Shark" by Nicholas Griffin - Pillage and murder at sea: There really was a Black Bart, and he really More

- 2 dictionary results Requiem Shark at Amazon Millions of titles, new & used. Qualified orders over $25 ship free Best Time to Fish or Hunt Free Solunar Tables, Graphs, Maps, and Weather. Increase your catch www.usprimetimes. More

Cite This Source|Link To requiem shark Requiem Shark at Amazon Millions of titles, new & used. Qualified orders over $25 ship free Amazon. More

Learn more about requiem shark with a free trial on Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. More

Sharks (Selachii) -whale shark, requiem shark, bamboo shark, cat Sharks (whale shark, requiem shark, bamboo shark, cat shark,hammerhead shark, tiger shark) - marine biology (characteristics, ecology and range, predatory behavior), underwater photography, links, books ... spotted Wobbegong shark - Orectolobus maculatus ... More

Use requiem shark in a SentenceSee web results for requiem sharkSee images of requiem shark–noun any of numerous, chiefly tropical sharks of the family Carcharhinidae, including the tiger shark and soupfin shark. More

org Requiem Shark at Amazon Millions of titles, new & used. Qualified orders over $25 ship free Amazon. More

Requiem sharks refers to all members of the family Carcharhinidae: this includes migratory, live-bearing sharks of warm seas (sometimes of brackish or fresh water) such as the tiger shark, the blue shark, the bull shark, and the milk shark. More

The first sentence "The requiem sharks are members of the Carcharhinidae family ..." explains. More

Description of three species of requiem sharks commonly seen in the Gulf of California and Revillagigedo Islands. * Requiem sharks - definition of Requiem sharks by the Free Online ... More

The idea in the Requiem Shark was to sidestep the cliches, trying to get to the truth of life at sea in the eighteenth century and the strange world of democratic anarchy that men like Roberts created. The word 'pirate' is therefore never mentioned in the book. More

history of piracy, The Requiem Shark is the tale of a young recruit, William Williams, and his forced apprenticeship to Bartholomew Roberts, slaver turned pirate captain. More

Requiem Shark at Amazon - Buy books at and save. Qualified orders over $25 ship free. Amazon. More

Requiem Shark at Amazon - Buy books at and save. Qualified orders over $25 ship free. * Shark - Shark Online. More

The Requiem Shark at Amazon - Buy books at and save. Qualified orders over $25 ship free. Amazon. More

The requiem sharks refer to all members of the Carcharhinidae family that includes a family of migratory, live-bearing sharkShark Sharks are a type of fish with a full Cartilage skeleton and a highly Streamlines, streaklines and pathlinesd body. More

Set in the 18th century's Golden Age of Piracy, THE REQUIEM SHARK is the tale of a young recruit, William Williams and his forced apprenticeship to Bartholomew Roberts, slaver turned pirate Captain. More

This review is from: The Requiem Shark: A Novel (Hardcover) I was one of those, a few months ago, mourning the passing of Patrick O'Brian. More

Requiem sharks are responsible for a large proportion of attacks on humans. However; due to the difficulty in identifying individual species, there is a degree of inaccuracy in attack records. More

history of piracy, The Requiem Shark is the tale of William Williams, a pampered young man forced into service aboard the ship of the dreaded Bartholomew Roberts-also known as Black Bart. More

requiem shark, alteration of French requinDate: 1900 : any of a family (Carcharhinidae) of sharks (as the tiger shark) that includes some dangerous to humans Bing Learn more about "requiem shark" Learn more about "requiem shark" and related More

The idea in the Requiem Shark was to sidestep the cliches, trying to get to the truth of life at sea in the eighteenth century and the strange world of democratic anarchy that men like Roberts created. The word 'pirate' is therefore never mentioned in the book. More

Requiem shark feed, from Ocean Oasis, More

requiem shark - any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal speciesshark - any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scalesCarcharhinidae, family Carcharhinidae - More

Sponsored linksThe Requiem Shark at Amazon.comQualified orders over $25 ship free. Millions of titles, new & Navigator(TM) VacuumNever Lose Suction - Never Change A Filter. Get the Navigator Today! FishesExellent Prices, Live Arrival & Free Shipping Guaranteed, Only at:.marinesgardens. More

lacks spines: requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharksbull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, cub shark - a most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide; heavy-bodied and dangerousCarcharhinus plumbeus, sandbar shark - most common grey shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally More

requiem shark - any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal speciesshark - any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scalesCarcharhinidae, family Carcharhinidae - More

Sponsored linksThe Requiem Shark at Amazon.comQualified orders over $25 ship free. Millions of titles, new & Navigator(TM) VacuumNever Lose Suction - Never Change A Filter. Get the Navigator Today! FishesExellent Prices, Live Arrival & Free Shipping Guaranteed, Only at:.marinesgardens. More

requiem shark definition requiem shark any of a large family (Carcharhinidae, order Carcharhiniformes) of voracious, chiefly tropical, sharks Etymology: Fr requiem, altered by folk etym. (? in allusion to the danger of its attack) . More

Common names

Cazón in sp
Cazón in Spanish (español)
Cazón coyotito in Spanish (español)
Cazón trompa blanca in Spanish (español)
Hvidnæset haj in Danish (dansk)
Nasolamia velox in Catalan (Català)
Nasolamia velox in French (français)
Pico blanco in Spanish (español)
Requiem shark in English
Requin nez blanc in French (français)
Shark in English
Tiburón in sp
Tiburón in Spanish (español)
tiburón coyotito in Spanish (español)
Tollo in English
Tollo in Spanish (español)
whitenose shark in English
Witneushaai in Dutch (Nederlands)
窄吻鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
窄吻鲨 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Nasolamia velox has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Carcharhiniformes
Family : Carcharhinidae
Genus : Nasolamia
Species : Nasolamia velox
Authority : Gilbert, 1898