Schilbe mandibularis

The Schilbe mandibularis lives in the demersal, potamodromous, freshwater environment.

Schilbe mandibularis De Vos, 1986Eutropius mandibularis G More

Schilbe mandibularis (Günther, 1867) - add this species to your "My Cats" page. Common Name(s) None Type Locality Bossumprah R., Ghana. Synonym(s) Eutropius liberiensis, E. mandibularis, E. More

Common names

大顎錫伯鯰 in Mandarin Chinese
大颚锡伯鲶 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Siluriformes
Family : Schilbeidae
Genus : Schilbe
Species : Schilbe mandibularis
Authority : G