Corydoras bilineatus

The Corydoras bilineatus lives in the demersal, freshwater environment.

Los machos de Corydoras bilineatus cuentan con una mancha negra difusa en la parte superior de la aleta dorsal que los diferencia de C. elegans. La distinci More

Corydoras bilineatus was collected in Bolivia, Departmento Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Beni, system of the upper Rio Marmor More

Corydoras bilineatus ( fish name )slovensky , français Share pictures of your fish! Upload them now! * Maximum size in aquariums (min-max): 4 - 5 cm ( 1.57 - 1.97 in ) * pH of water: 6.5 - 7. More

Corydoras bilineatus Knaack, 2002 - add this species to your "My Cats" page. Common Name(s) San Juan Cory Type Locality Chené, Santiesteban, Santa Cruz Dept. More

Corydoras bilineatus on Fish Mapper TSN 679787 (Taxonomic Serial Number) Retrieved on from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System online database. This is a cached copy. More

HOME I obtained a group of Corydoras bilineatus from a good friend of mine. They were set up in a 20 gallon long tank that had a sponge filter, heater and a sand substrate. And the tank was planted heavily with hardy plants. I kept the temperature at 78 degrees F. More

Common names

Parilinjamonninen in Finnish (suomen kieli)

Order : Siluriformes
Family : Callichthyidae
Genus : Corydoras
Species : Corydoras bilineatus
Authority : Knaack, 2002