Black snailfish

The Black snailfish lives in the bathydemersal, marine, depth range 1300 - 1300 m environment.

For example, a black snailfish Paraliparis bathybius collectedfrom the Canada Basin north of Alaska in 2005 is the first record of this species from the western Arctic. More

Common names

Black snailfish in English
黑短吻狮子鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
黑短吻狮子鱼 in Unknown
黑短吻獅子魚 in Mandarin Chinese
黑短吻獅子魚 in Unknown

Order : Scorpaeniformes
Family : Liparidae
Genus : Careproctus
Species : Careproctus atrans
Authority : Andriashev, 1991