Bigeye flounder

The Bigeye flounder lives in the demersal, marine, depth range - 35 m environment.

bigeye flounder, as much as 65% of the abundance are larval and adult acanthocephalans. Parasites may infect differently both sexes, because male and female fish often have different feeding habits (Rhode 1993). More

bigeye flounder (Hipoglossina macrops), common Peruvian weakfish (Cynoscion analis), lumptail searobin (Prionotus stephanophrys), coco croaker (Paralonchurus peruanus), Peruvian sea catfish (Galeichthys peruvianus) and Peruvian barbell drum (ctenosciaena peruviana). More

Common names

Bigeye flounder in English
Flounder in English
Lenguado in sp
Lenguado in Spanish (español)
Lenguado de ojo grande in Spanish (español)
Lenguado de ojos grandes in Spanish (español)
Lenguado ojo grande in Spanish (español)
Oome-birame in Japanese (日本語)
Perpeire gros yeux in French (français)
камбала перуанская in Russian (русский язык)
大眼小庸鰈 in Mandarin Chinese
大眼小庸鰈 in Unknown
大眼小庸鲽 in Mandarin Chinese
大眼小庸鲽 in Unknown

Picture of Hippoglossina macrops has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Paralichthyidae
Genus : Hippoglossina
Species : Hippoglossina macrops
Authority : Steindachner, 1876