American Brook Lamprey: a rock-licking fish that lives in small streams in North America; based on its habit of clinging to rocks with its mouth Lampetra (lam-pet More
In 1987, the documented incidence of the American brook lamprey was a small number of spawning season collections in smaller streams in northeast Iowa (Harlan et al. More
radiate around the oral opening, the American brook lamprey has large supraorals teeth above the oral opening, three bicuspid teeth on either side, and the remaining teeth occur in small clusters. More
American brook lamprey are the only nonparasitic lamprey found in New York State. Their disc-like mouths contain poorly developed teeth, useless for attaching to a host. Brook lamprey have long, wormlike bodies. Their dark skin is smooth and leathery and without scales. More
Illustration of American Brook Lamprey, courtesy of D. A. Neely American Brook Lamprey, Lampetra appendix Illustration by D. A. Neely The American brook lamprey is a non-parasitic aquatic species. More
American brook lamprey (not parasitic); found in the Red Cedar River & tributaries, Buffalo River, Trempealeau River, La Crosse River, Kickapoo River, Wisconsin River, Menominee River. More
The nonparasitic American brook lamprey (Lampetra appendix) has a broad range throughout the Midwest. In Pennsylvania it lives in streams in the northern section of the Allegheny River watershed and in the Genesee River and Lake Erie watersheds. In body structure, lampreys are primitive fish. More
HABITAT AND BIOLOGY: The American brook lamprey occurs in small to medium streams. Individuals seem to prefer clean gravel substrates and fast currents. More
American brook lamprey haven't been found in Minnesota tributaries, they are abundant in other streams in the basin. Sea lamprey continue to plague Great Lakes fish but our native lampreys, even the parasitic ones, aren't bad, they're just ugly. More
American Brook Lamprey (Lampetra appendix) has been recorded in about half a dozen locations scattered throughout our area. Like our native Brook Trout, this species seems to require water temperatures that remain cool, rarely going above 22º C. More
and newly transformed adults of the American brook lamprey have been found in the Kankakee River along with comparable stages of the northern brook lamprey and the silver lamprey, suggesting that several lamprey species utilize the same spawning sites Distribution- The species is now rare and erratic More
American brook lamprey in English
Amerikanisches Neunauge in German (Deutsch)
Amerikansk bæklampret in Danish (dansk)
Brook lamprey in English
lamproie de l?est in French (français)
lamproie de l'est in French (français)
Mihule Lamottenova in Czech (česky)
Small black brook lamprey in English
溪七鰓鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
溪七鳃鳗 in Mandarin Chinese
美国楔齿七鳃鳗 in Mandarin Chinese
美國楔齒七鰓鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
美洲七鰓鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
美洲七鳃鳗 in Mandarin Chinese