Pacific gregory

The Pacific gregory lives in the reef-associated, non-migratory, marine, depth range 1 - 30 m , usually 1 - 5 m environment.

As anyone who has watched a Pacific Gregory for a few minutes can attest, this pugnacious little fish will unfailingly attempt to drive any other herbivore from its algae patch. More

Common names

Dark damsel in English
Duister nooientjie in Afrikaans
Fuchidori-suzumedai in Japanese (日本語)
goldentail damsel in English
guru ni veilase in Fijian (vosa Vakaviti)
Ikiribit in Marshall
Ikiribit in Marshallese (Kajin M̧ajeļ)
Lisheog in Austronesian (Other)
Lisheog in Carolinian
Nganga in Rapa
Nganga in Rapanui
Pacific gregory in English
Pacific gregory damselfish in English
Palata in Tagalog
Palata in Visayan
Tu'u'u-palea in Samoan (gagana fa'a Samoa)
Yellow-eye damsel in English
珊瑚海近雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
珊瑚海近雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
紋身真雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
纹身真雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
胸斑眶鋸雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
胸斑眶锯雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
蓝纹高身雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
藍紋高身雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
黑边雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
黑邊雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Stegastes fasciolatus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Perciformes
Family : Pomacentridae
Genus : Stegastes
Species : Stegastes fasciolatus
Authority : Ogilby, 1889