Roundscale spearfish

A team of university and government scientists has confirmed the existence of the enigmatic billfish species closely resembling the heavily fished, overexploited white marlin.

The Roundscale spearfish lives in the pelagic-oceanic, oceanodromous, marine, depth range 0 - 200 m environment.

Roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) is a Tetrapturus which lives in the Atlantic. Many fish believed to be white marlins might have been roundscale spearfish, which bear a close resemblance to the white marlin. More

Discovery of roundscale spearfish in northeast Atlantic carries no implication for status of white marlin A recent press release from scientists at NOVA Southeastern University and an article on the enews site Sciencedaily. More

Known as the roundscale spearfish, the new billfish species has been found in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, where its distribution overlaps that of the white marlin, a prized game fish of American recreational anglers. More

the roundscale spearfish, it occurs around Sicily, Portugal, and Spain and is said to resemble the so-called hatchet marlin. More

In a roundscale spearfish it is about 6 inches in front. 2. More

"The existence of the roundscale spearfish was confirmed by analyzing the shape of its mid-body scales, which are slightly more rounded at one end compared to the scales of all other Atlantic billfish species, and by analyzing its DNA which turns out to be very different from More

the roundscale spearfish is a distinct species from others it closely resembles - the roundbill and longbill spearfish and the white marlin. More

roundscale spearfish, this fish closely resembles the white marlin and most tournaments treat hatchet marlin catches as white marlin. More

we don't know how many roundscale spearfish have been misidentified over time as white marlins More

The roundscale spearfish bears a close resemblance to the white marlin at first glance. A close examination of fins, scales, and DNA reveals a very different species. Click here for more information. More

marlin and the roundscale spearfish, conservation and management may be difficult. More

magnitude of roundscale spearfish misidentification and possible 'contamination' of white marlin landings data need to be examined in greater detail. More

Common names

Espadim-peto in Portuguese (Português)
Makaire bec fin in French (français)
Makaire Èpée in French (français)
Marlí d'escates rodones in Catalan (Català)
Marlin atlantico in Italian (Italiano)
Marlin peto in Spanish (español)
Martin in Spanish (español)
Roundscale spearfish in English
Rundfjällig Spjutfisk in Swedish (Svenska)
Rundskællet spydfisk in Danish (dansk)
Xifomarlinos in Greek (Ελληνικά)
Xifomarlinos in Greek, Modern (1453)
Ξιφομαρλίνος in Greek (Ελληνικά)
Ξιφομαρλίνος in Greek, Modern (1453)
圆鳞四鳍旗鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
圓鱗四鰭旗魚 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Tetrapturus georgii has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Perciformes
Family : Istiophoridae
Genus : Tetrapturus
Species : Tetrapturus georgii
Authority : Lowe, 1841