Armed grunt

The Armed grunt lives in the demersal, marine environment.

the best armed grunt doesn`t have anywhere near the firepower of a main battle tank, and you`ll find it pretty hard to match an attack chopper at providing close combat air support. More

Common names

Armed grunt in English
Bravo aliamarillo in Spanish (español)
Cagna armée in French (français)
Grunt in English
Limón in Spanish (español)
Ofensivo in Spanish (español)
Roncador in sp
Ronco ofensivo in Spanish (español)
Serrated grunt in English
鋸齒八帶石鱸 in Mandarin Chinese
鋸齒八帶石鱸 in Unknown
锯齿八带石鲈 in Mandarin Chinese
锯齿八带石鲈 in Unknown

Picture of Conodon serrifer has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Perciformes
Family : Haemulidae
Genus : Conodon
Species : Conodon serrifer
Authority : Jordan and Gilbert, 1882