Haplochromis cryptodon

The Haplochromis cryptodon lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.

The Haplochromis cryptodon is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.

Haplochromis cryptodon on Fish Mapper TSN 648525 (Taxonomic Serial Number) Retrieved on from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System online database. This is a cached copy. More

Haplochromis cryptodon (Greenwood 1959, Ax:403) Lipochromis cryptodon. Haplochromis cryptogramma ... www.webcityof.com 8 Gnu - Kosmix : Reference, Videos, Images, News, Shopping and more... Haplochromis brownae. Haplochromis cryptodon. Haplochromis ... Haplochromis sp. nov. ' black cryptodon' Hartebeest. More

Haplochromis cryptodon Notice: Undefined index: NazivHrv in /home/itblin/public_html/akvarijske-ribe.com/vrsta. More

Common names

Haplochromis cryptodon in Catalan (Català)
隐齿朴丽鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
隱齒樸麗魚 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Perciformes
Family : Cichlidae
Genus : Haplochromis
Species : Haplochromis cryptodon
Authority : Greenwood, 1959