Half-yellow butterflyfish

The Half-yellow butterflyfish lives in the reef-associated, marine environment.

half-yellow butterflyfish half-yellow butterflyfish (Chaetodon hemichrysus) four-banded butterfly fish four-banded butterfly fish (Chaetodon hoefleri) threebanded butterflyfish threebanded butterflyfish (Chaetodon humeralis) yellow teardrop butterflyfish yellow teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon interruptus) More

Common names

Half-yellow butterflyfish in English
Halvgul fanefisk in Danish (dansk)
半黃蝴蝶魚 in Mandarin Chinese
半黃蝴蝶魚 in Unknown
半黄蝴蝶鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
半黄蝴蝶鱼 in Unknown

Order : Perciformes
Family : Chaetodontidae
Genus : Chaetodon
Species : Chaetodon hemichrysus
Authority : Burgess & Randall, 1978