Crested cusk-eel

The Crested cusk-eel lives in the demersal, marine, depth range - 55 m environment.

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? Crested cusk-eel (Ophidion welshi), needs verif. More

crested cusk-eel, Ophidion welshi FLYINGFISHES: EXOCOETIDAE Halfbeak, Hyporhamphus unifasciatus NEEDLEFISHES: BELONIDAE atlantic needlefish, Strongylura marina redfin needlefish, More

Common names

crested cusk-eel in English
韋氏鼬鳚 in Mandarin Chinese
韦氏鼬鳚 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Ophidiiformes
Family : Ophidiidae
Genus : Ophidion
Species : Ophidion welshi
Authority : Nichols and Breder, 1922