Striped mullet

The Striped mullet lives in the pelagic-neritic, oceanodromous, brackish, marine environment.

The striped mullet is cosmopolitan throughout coastal tropical to warm temperate waters. In the western Atlantic Ocean, it is found from Nova Scotia, Canada south to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico. It is absent in the Bahamas and the Caribbean Sea. More

Striped mullet matures quickly and is relatively short-lived, which helps keep populations healthy and abundant despite heavy fishing pressure. Summary Striped mullet lives in the coastal areas around the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic. More

The oldest striped mullet on record is one that lived 13 years. More

Striped mullet are silvery-green on the back and silver on the sides and belly. On fish 6 inches or so long and longer, prominent black stripes extend the length of the fish. Smaller fish, without the stripes, closely resemble the white mullet. More

CHARACTERISTICS: The body of the striped mullet is somewhat compressed and robust with a stout caudal peduncle. The head is short and wide with a small, oblique mouth and a strongly developed adipose eyelid. More

Striped mullet is generally the most widely used of the common names for this species; however, black mullet and sea mullet have been extensively used, depending upon geographic location. More

striped mullet on record is one that lived 13 years. Striped mullet tend to school (swim together in groups) for protection from predators in the daylight hours, although they feed around the clock. More

Striped Mullet Photos and Species Information for Fish Caught in Mexico See current, on-the-spot sportfishing reports and photographs of fish caught at Mexico's top vacation spots in this week's edition of "Mexico Fishing News" and see hundreds of other fish pictures and More

striped mulletMullet (family Mugilidae) are common inhabitants of freshwater, estuarine and offshore habitats and are well known for their habit of jumping, sometimes up to 1 meter (3 feet), out of the water. More

Striped mullet is the largest and most abundant mullet species in the Gulf of Mexico. The common names, jumping mullet and jumping jack, relate to the tendency of these strong fish to make multiple leaps out of the water. More

STRIPED MULLET POND PRODUCTION An experiment to evaluate the survival, growth, and yield of striped mullet raised in ponds was conducted at MSU-CAU. In February 1999, one thousand 0. More

striped mullet used for bait are difficult to obtain. Average Commercial Landings and Value 1999-2008 –1,912,569 lbs./$954,894 2008 Commercial Landings and Value -1,676,058 lbs. More

Striped Mullet - Reef Fish Identification by Paul Humann, a.k.a. "The Fish ID Bible", describes the key identifiers for this species as (1) dark spots on the base of each scale forming stripes on the sides, and (2) a dark base on the pectoral fin. More

Striped Mullet: Valuable Fishery With Rich Tradition Back to issue list While watching the breakers along Atlantic Beach last fall, Joey Frost noticed a purplish tint to the water. The ocean was packed tight with a school of striped mullet. More

Striped mullet are inshore, coastal fish that often enter estuaries and rivers. They prefer areas with dense vegetation and sand or mud bottoms and will travel in sizeable schools. Like the other mullet species, striped mullet frequently jump from the water. More

Common names

Gestreepte harder in Afrikaans
Stribet sydafrikansk multe in Danish (dansk)
Striped mullet in English
三尖齒異鯔屬 in Mandarin Chinese
三尖齿异鲻属 in Mandarin Chinese
叉牙鮻 in Chinese (中文)
叉牙鮻 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Mugiliformes
Family : Mugilidae
Genus : Liza
Species : Liza tricuspidens
Authority : Smith, 1935