Patagonian grenadier

The Patagonian grenadier lives in the benthopelagic, oceanodromous, marine, depth range 30 - 500 m environment.

Patagonian Grenadier (chile)last updated on 1st September 2009 (history) = * +contribute = * You need to be More

Patagonian Grenadier were taken as by-catch too, but decreasing abundance of Patagonian Hake in 1990, made Patagonian Toothfish and Patagonian Grenadier the target resources. Approximately 1. More

The Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) is usually found in deeper waters in the southern Patagonian Shelf and according to recent estimates is considered to be moderately exploited, with current catches being well under the estimated TACs. More

Patagonian grenadier (hoki), being also important the landings of pollack, argentine anchovy, Atlantic mackerel, skates, Patagonian smoothhound, squids, pescadilla, dusky grouper, drift fish, common sole, Atlantic salmon, pez palo and corvina blanca. More

a Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) fishery for human consumption. They hope to provide jobs for 3,000 workers and describe it as the country’s most exciting capture fishery project, reports El Diario. More

Patagonian grenadier exports were up 53% in volume. Atlantic salmon accounted for 50% of exports with 76,068 tonnes, an 11%drop on the first six month of 2002, according to the Salmon Industry Association (SalmonChile). More

Common names

Argentine straptail in English
Argentino in Spanish (español)
Chilensk hoki in Swedish (Svenska)
Colihuasca in Spanish (español)
Dekora in Japanese (日本語)
Granadeiro-da-Patagónia in Portuguese (Português)
Grenadier de Patagonie in French (français)
Grenadier patagonien in French (français)
Huaica in Spanish (español)
Hualca in Spanish (español)
Huelca in Spanish (español)
Huilca in Spanish (español)
Merluza cola de rata in Spanish (español)
Merluza de cola in Spanish (español)
Miruna patagonska in Polish (polski)
Patagonian grenadier in English
Patagonian whiphake in English
Patagonisk langhale in Danish (dansk)
南美尖尾无须鳕 in Mandarin Chinese
南美尖尾無鬚鱈 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Macruronus magellanicus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Gadiformes
Family : Merlucciidae
Genus : Macruronus
Species : Macruronus magellanicus
Authority : L