Mauritanian shortface eel

The Mauritanian shortface eel lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 30 - 1000 m environment.

* Mauritanian Shortface Eel: Dinophysis tuberculata * Mottled Conger Moray: Gyrodinium rhabdomante * Mulatto Conger: Gyrodinium rhabdomante * Mullet: Aspidisca quadrilineata Last Revised: June 11, 2008 More

Common names

Mauritanian shortface eel in English
Úhořovník atlantský in Czech (česky)
Úhořovník mauritánský in Czech (česky)
毛里塔尼亚短颊鳗 in Mandarin Chinese
毛里塔尼亞短頰鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
等頜短頰鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
等颌短颊鳗 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Anguilliformes
Family : Heterenchelyidae
Genus : Panturichthys
Species : Panturichthys isognathus
Authority : Poll, 1953