Macrocephenchelys brevirostris

The Macrocephenchelys brevirostris lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 280 - 440 m environment.

Macrocephenchelys brevirostris on Fish Mapper TSN 635872 (Taxonomic Serial Number) Retrieved on from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System online database. This is a cached copy. More

Common names

Rubbernose conger in English
Úhořovec queenslandský in Czech (česky)
短吻吻鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
短吻吻鳗 in Mandarin Chinese
短突吻鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
短突吻鳗 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Anguilliformes
Family : Congridae
Genus : Macrocephenchelys
Species : Macrocephenchelys brevirostris
Authority : Chen & Weng,1967