Fish beginning with D

D - P.
Daggernose shark - The daggernose shark, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus, is a little-known species of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae, and the only extant member of its genus.
Daggertooth - The North Pacific daggertooth, Anotopterus nikparini, is a daggertooth in the family Anotopteridae.
Daggertooth - Anotopterus vorax or south ocean daggertooth is a daggertooth described in 1913 by Regan.
Daisy stingray - The daisy stingray, Dasyatis margarita, is a little-known species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae, found in shallow coastal waters along the coast of West Africa.
Dalhousie hardyhead - The Dalhousie hardyhead is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Dalmatian barbel-gudgeon - The Dalmatian Barbelgudgeon is a ray-finned fish species in the family Cyprinidae.
Dalmation Nase - The Neretvan Nase is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Dama Ciega Blanca - The Mexican blind brotula, Ogilbia pearsei, is a species of fish in the Bythitidae family.
Damba - The damba is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Damba Mipentina - The species is at exhibit in the London Zoo.
Danakilia franchettii - Danakilia is a monotypic genus of cichlid fish.
Dangila danio - Danio dangila, the Moustached Danio is a fish, and is the largest of the true Danios at up to 6 inches.
Danilevskii's dace - Danilevskii's Dace is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Leuciscus.
Danio choprae - Danio choprai or the glowlight danio is a small, schooling fish closely related to the popular zebrafish Danio rerio.
Danio feegradei - Although discovered by Hora in 1937 it was first exported in 2005
Danio kyathit - Danio kyathit is a small, schooling species of fish in the family Cyprinidae, native to Myanmar.
Danionella translucida - All species of Danionella are found in Myanmar.
Danube Roach - The Danube Roach is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Danube ruffe - Balon's ruffe is a species of fish in the Percidae family.
Danube salmon - The taimen is distributed from the Volga and Pechora River basins east to the Yana River in the north and that of the Amur River in the south.
Danube streber - The streber is a species of fish in the Percidae family.
Dapeghat snowtrout - Sattar Snowtrout is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Schizopyge.
Dark ghost shark - The dark ghost shark, Hydrolagus novaezealandiae, is a shortnose chimaera of the family Chimaeridae, found on the continental shelf around the South Island of New Zealand.
Dark shy shark - The dark shyshark or pretty happy, Haploblepharus pictus, is a species of catshark, family Scyliorhinidae, endemic to the temperate waters off southern Namibia and western South Africa.
Dark stonebasher - The dark stonebasher is a species of fish in the Mormyridae family.
Dark toadfish - The dark toadfish, Neophrynichthys latus, is a fathead of the family Psychrolutidae, found on the continental shelf around New Zealand.
Darkedged splitfin - Giradinichthys multiradiatus is a livebearing fish.
Darling River Hardyhead - The Darling River hardyhead is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Dascyllus auripinnis - Dascyllus auripinnis is a Damselfish from the Eastern Central Pacific.
Dash-and-dot goatfish - The dash-and-dot goatfish has the twin chin barbels typical of goatfishes.
Dash-dot barb - The Dash-dot Barb is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Dashtail barb - Dashtail Barb is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Dasyatis colarensis - The Colares stingray was described by Hugo Santos, Ulisses Gomes, and Patricia Charvet-Almeida in 2004, in the scientific journal Zootaxa.
Dasyatis hypostigma - Hugo Santos and Marcelo de Carvalho formally described the groovebelly stingray in a 2004 volume of Boletim do Museu Nacional, giving it the name Dasyatis hypostigma, from the Greek hypo and stigma .
Day's catfish - Amissidens hainesi is the only species of catfish in the genus Amissidens of the family Ariidae.
Day's sardinella - Mauritian Sardinella is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Sardinella.
Deady - A Grouper from the Western Atlantic that occasionally makes its way into the aquarium trade.
Deccan rita - Rita kuturnee is an extinct species of catfish of the family Bagridae.
Deccan white carp - Deccan White Carp is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Cirrhinus.
Decoy scorpionfish - Iracundus signifer is a the only member of the genus Iracundus of marine fish.
Deep Blue Chromis - Chromis abyssus was the first species entered into the ZooBank registry with a timestamp of 2008-01-01T00:00:02, and it was selected as one of "The Top 10 New Species" described in 2008 by The International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University and an international committee of taxonomists.
Deep-bodied boarfish - Antigonia capros is a species of fish in the Caproidae family.
Deep-sea skate - The deepsea skate, Bathyraja abyssicola, is a species of softnose skate, family Arhynchobatidae, found in deep water from 362 to 2,906 m, usually on the continental slope.
Deepbody sardinella - Deepbody Sardinella is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Sardinella.
Deepsea angler - Linophryne arborifera, or illuminated netdevil, is an anglerfish of the family Linophrynidae, found in all tropical and subtropical oceans at depths below 1,000 m .
Deepsea sole - The deepsea sole, Embassichthys bathybius, is a flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae.
Deepwater burrfish - The deepwater burrfish, Allomycterus pilatus, is a porcupinefish of the family Diodontidae, found in the eastern Indian Ocean, and southern Australia and New Zealand.
Deepwater cat shark - The deepwater catshark, Apristurus profundorum, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the western Atlantic from Delaware Bay and Suriname, and from the eastern Atlantic from Morocco and northwest Africa.
Deepwater cisco - The last specimens of deepwater ciscoes were recorded in Lake Huron in 1952 and Lake Michigan in 1951.
Deepwater dab - The deepwater dab, Poecilopsetta beanii, is a flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae.
Deepwater dogfish - The longnose velvet dogfish, Centroscymnus crepidater, is a sleeper shark of the family Dalatiidae, found circumglobally in southern hemisphere subtropical seas, at depths of between 230 and 1,500 m.
Deepwater hap - It is found in Malawi and Mozambique.
Deepwater sculpin - The deepwater sculpin is generally gray-brown with mottling on its head, back, and sides with a whitish underside.
Deepwater sicklefin hound shark - The deepwater sicklefin hound shark, Hemitriakis abdita, is a hound shark of the family Triakidae found in the western central Pacific from the Coral Sea off Queensland, Australia and from New Caledonia.
Deepwater spiny dogfish - The leafscale gulper shark has no anal fin, two dorsal fins with spines, the first dorsal being relatively low and long, large eyes, and rough leaf-like denticles.
Deepwater stingray - The deepwater stingray or giant stingaree, Plesiobatis daviesi, is a species of ray and the only species in the family Plesiobatidae.
Deer grouper - The red grouper is a species of fish in the Serranidae family.
Delicate dragonet - Delicate dragonet is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Callionymus.
Delta smelt - Because of its one-year life cycle and relatively low fecundity, it is very susceptible to changes in the environmental conditions of its native habitat.
Demoiselle - The New Zealand demoiselle, Chromis dispilus, is a damselfish of the genus Chromis, found between North Cape and East Cape of the North Island of New Zealand to depths of about 60 metres, off rocky coasts.
Demon cat sharks - The flaccid catshark, Apristurus exsanguis, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found only around New Zealand.
Demon eartheater - Satanoperca jurupari, or commonly referred to as Earth Eater is a small cichlid fish of the genus Satanoperca, endemic to the Amazon Basin in South America.
Denise's pygmy seahorse - Hippocampus denise is tiny, growing only to a total length of 1.
Denison barb - The red lined torpedo barb, roseline shark, bleeding eye barb, or Denison's barb is a subtropical fish belonging to the barb genus in the minnow family.
Dense-scale lantern shark - The dense-scale lanternshark, Etmopterus pycnolepis, is a shark of the family Dalatiidae found in the southeast Pacific off Peru and Chile.
Dentectus barbarmatus - This species occurs in the upper Orinoco drainage.
Denticeps clupeoides - The denticle herring is a small species of ray-finned fish found only in the rivers of Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, related to the herrings, but notable for its large anal fin and its array of denticle like scales under the head giving it almost a furry appearance.
Denticetopsis epa - Denticetopsis epa is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis iwokrama - Denticetopsis iwokrama is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis macilenta - Denticetopsis macilenta is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis praecox - Denticetopsis praecox is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis royeroi - Denticetopsis royeroi is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis sauli - Denticetopsis sauli is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Denticetopsis seducta - Denticetopsis seducta is a species of catfish of the family Cetopsidae.
Dere Kayasi - The Dere Kayasi is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Dermogenys siamensis - Wrestling halfbeaks are surface-feeding fish and feed on a variety of small invertebrates including crustaceans and insect larvae, but especially mosquito larvae and flying insects that have fallen onto the surface of the water.
Derwent flounder - Although the Derwent flounder is listed as a minor component of the Tasmanian commercial flounder catch, its small size makes it undesirable, and any bycatch would probably be discarded.
Desert dace - A small species, not known over 7.
Desert pupfish - Presently, the only remaining natural populations of the desert pupfish are located at a few sites in the Salton Sea drainage in California, and the Colorado River Delta in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico.
Desjardin's sailfin tang - Red Sea sailfin tangs natively live in a tropical climate and prefer saltwater with a specific gravity of 1.
Devario annandalei - Devario annandalei is a species of fish of the family Cyprinidae.
Devario assamensis - Devario assamensis is a large boisterous Danionin from the Mirik area of India.
Devario browni - Devario brownii is a species of fish in the family Cyprinidae.
Devario chrysotaeniatus - Devario chrysotaeniatus, commonly called Gold Striped Danio, is a tropical fish belonging to the minnow family .
Devario maetaengensis - Fire bar danio, Devario maetaengensis:
Devario quangbinhensis - Devario quangbinhensis or Chela quangbinhensis is a species of fish endemic to Asia in general and in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh province, Bac Trung Bo, Vietnam in particular.
Devil firefish - Length up to 35 cm.
Devilray - The devilray, Japanese devilray, spinetail devilray, or spinetail mobula is a species of fish in the Mobulidae family.
Devils Hole pupfish - Devil's Hole pupfish are less than 25 millimeters long and resemble other pupfish in shape.
Devils River minnow - The Devil's River Minnow is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Dewfish - This species is a freshwater fish native to the Murray-Darling river system of eastern Australia.
Dhon noo mas - Caesio xanthonota is a Fusilier from the Indian Ocean.
Diadem dottyback - This species is found in rich coral reefs in the western central Pacific Ocean, eastern Malay Peninsula, and western Philippine waters.
Diamond blenny - Malacoctenus boehlkei is a Blenny from the Western Central Pacific.
Diamond lizardfish - The Gracile lizardfish is a type of Lizardfish which is also known as Saurida gracilis this fish lives mainly in the Indo-pacific region
Diamond sunfish - Description The banded sunfish is simial to the blackbanded sunfish and has a very compressed and deep body.
Diamond tetra - http://aquatic-experts.
Diamond turbot - The diamond turbot feeds almost entirely during daylight, and its diet consists of benthos invertebrates such as polychaetes, molluscs and shrimps.
Dianchi carp - The Dianchi Carp is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Dinotopterus cunningtoni - Dinotopterus cunningtoni is a species of fish in the Clariidae family.
Diplobatis guamachensis - The brownband numbfish is a species of fish in the Narcinidae family.
Diplomystes camposensis - Diplomystes camposensis is a species of fish in the Diplomystidae family.
Diplomystes nahuelbutaensis - Diplomystes nahuelbutaensis is a species of catfish of the family Diplomystidae.
Diplophos rebainsi - Diplophos rebainsi is a bristlemouth of the family Gonostomatidae, found in the south-east and west Pacific, and the South Atlantic oceans.
Diplotaxodon aeneus - Diplotaxodon aeneus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon apogon - Diplotaxodon apogon is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon argenteus - Diplotaxodon argenteus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon greenwoodi - Diplotaxodon greenwoodi is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon limnothrissa - Diplotaxodon limnothrissa is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diplotaxodon macrops - Diplotaxodon macrops is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Diptychus chungtienensis - Diptychus chungtienensis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Diptychus.
Diptychus sewerzowi - Diptychus sewerzowi is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Diptychus.
Discherodontus halei - Discherodontus halei is a species of ray-finned fish in the Cyprinidae family.
Distichodus rufigiensis - Distichodus rufigiensis is a species of fish in the Distichodontidae family.
Distocyclus goajira - Electric fish produce their electrical fields from a specialized structure called an electric organ.
Diverg-bonito - Kawakawa may refer to:
Docimodus evelynae - Docimodus evelynae is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Doctorfish - Large wolf eels can be aggressive and are capable of inflicting painful bites on humans
Dog fish - The puffadder shyshark or happy Eddie, Haploblepharus edwardsii, is a species of catshark, family Scyliorhinidae, endemic to the temperate waters off South Africa.
Dogfish - The shortnose spurdog, Squalus megalops, is a dogfish, a member of the family Squalidae, found at depths from 30 to 750 m on the eastern coast Australia, Its length is up to 71 cm.
Dogfish shark - The smalltooth sand tiger or bumpytail ragged-tooth, Odontaspis ferox, is a species of sand shark, family Odontaspididae, with a patchy but worldwide distribution in tropical and warm temperate waters.
Dolichamphilius brieni - Dolichamphilius brieni is a species of catfish of the family Amphiliidae.
Dolichamphilius longiceps - Dolichamphilius longiceps is a species of catfish of the family Amphiliidae.
Domine - The domine is a tropical fish in the family Gempylidae .
Dominican gambusia - The Dominican gambusia, Gambusia dominicensis, is a species of freshwater fish.
Donkey fish - The marbled grouper is a species of fish in the Serranidae family.
Dorado - Dorado have large heads, with powerful jaws that are filled with sharp teeth.
Dotted butterflyfish - It grows to a maximum of 26 cm long.
Double-striped dottyback - List of marine aquarium fish species
Doubleband surgeonfish - The Doubleband Surgeonfish or Lieutenant Tang is a marine reef tang in the fish family Acanthuridae.
Doubledash butterflyfish - It feeds on polychaetes, crustaceans, hydroids and ascidians.
Doumea alula - Doumea alula is a species of catfish of family Amphiliidae.
Doumea angolensis - Doumea angolensis is a species of catfish of family Amphiliidae.
Doumea chappuisi - Doumea chappuisi is a species of catfish of family Amphiliidae.
Doumea thysi - Doumea thysi is a species of catfish of family Amphiliidae.
Doumea typica - Doumea typica is a species of catfish of family Amphiliidae.
Dover sole - Dover sole can live for 45 years.
Dragonet - Callionymus lyra is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Callionymus.
Drakensberg minnow - Drakensberg Minnow is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Drakensberg minnow - It is endemic to Lesotho, and threatened by habitat destruction and the impact of invasive species.
Draughtsboard shark - The draughtsboard shark is a species of catshark, family Scyliorhinidae, so named for its "checkerboard" color pattern of dark blotches.
Drin brook lamprey - The Drin Brook Lamprey is a species of lamprey found in the Drin river system of Europe and in the Adriatic Sea.
Drysdale grunter - The drysdale grunter is a species of fish in the Terapontidae family.
Drysdale gudgeon - The Drysdale gudgeon is a species of fish in the Eleotridae family.
Drysdale hardyhead - The Drysdale hardyhead is a species of fish in the Atherinidae family.
Duckbill flathead - Bembrops anatirostris, commonly known as a duckbill flathead, is a species of fish in the Percophidae family.
Duckbilled buntingi - The Duck-billed Buntingi is on average about 11 cm long
Duncker's pipehorse - Duncker's pipehorse is a species of fish in the Syngnathidae family.
Dupouyichthys sapito - Dupouyichthys sapito is the only species of catfishes in the genus Dupouyichthys of the family Aspredinidae.
Durban tonguesole - Cynoglossus durbanensis, commonly known as the Durban tonguesole is a species of tonguefish.
Duskey grouper - The Dusky Grouper is the best known grouper of the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa coast.
Dusky millions fish - Phalloceros caudimaculatus is a species fish of often kept in aquariums, because of the relative ease of breeding.
Dusky shiner - Dusky Shiner is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Notropis.
Dusky skate - The Pavoraja umbrosa is a species of fish in Rajidae family.
Dusky surgeonfish - Acanthurus nigricauda is a tropical fish with the common name epaulette surgeonfish.
Duskyshoulder trevally - The duskyshoulder trevally is classified within the genus Carangoides, a group of fish commonly called jacks and trevallies.
Dwarf barb - Barbus brevidorsalis is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Barbus.
Dwarf catfish - The dwarf corydoras , dwarf catfish, tail spot pigmy catfish, or micro catfish is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the Corydoradinae sub-family of the Callichthyidae family.
Dwarf catshark - Asymbolus pallidus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found only off West Australia, at depths of between 200 and 400 m.
Dwarf chameleonfish - The Badis genus is placed in the family Badidae in some studies.
Dwarf danio - In the wild, the Spotted Danio is found in rivers in a tropical climate and prefer water with a 6.
Dwarf galaxias - The single dorsal and anal fins are about two thirds of the way along the body.
Dwarf galaxias - The small pedder galaxias or swamp galaxias is a species of fish in the Galaxiidae family.
Dwarf hawkfish - The spotted hawkfish can reach a maximum length of 7cm.
Dwarf inanga - The dwarf inanga, Galaxias gracilis, is a galaxiid of the genus Galaxias, found in the North Island of New Zealand.
Dwarf Lake Turkana robber - The dwarf lake turkana robber is a species of fish in the Alestiidae family.
Dwarf lantern shark - American ichthyologists Stewart Springer and George H.
Dwarf livebearer - The Dwarf Livebearer is the only member of the genus Heterandria to be found in the United States.
Dwarf loach - The dwarf loach can grow up to 5 cm in length.
Dwarf moray - Gymnothorax melatremus is a Moray Eel from the Indo-Pacific.
Dwarf pencilfish - The species is small, females measuring up to 7 cm in length, its body is slender, elongate and cylindrical.
Dwarf pigmygoby - The dwarf pygmy goby is a tropical freshwater fish of the family Gobiidae.
Dwarf rainbowfish - The dwarf rainbowfish is a species of fish in the Melanotaeniidae family.
Dwarf sanjika - Its natural habitat is rivers.
Dwarf sawfish - The smalltooth sawfish is ovoviviparous, meaning the mother holds the eggs inside of her until the young are ready to be born, usually in litters of 15 to 20 pups.
Dwarf sawtail cat shark - The dwarf sawtail catshark, Galeus schultzi, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found exclusively off Luzon in the Philippines.
Dwarf spotted wobbegong - The dwarf spotted wobbegong is a recently described carpet shark in the family Orectolobidae.
Dwarf sturgeon - The dwarf sturgeon is a species of fish in the Acipenseridae family.
Dwarf Tanganyikan cichlid - Tropheus duboisi is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.