Genus Chlamydera

Fawn-breasted Bowerbird - The Fawn-breasted Bowerbird is distributed in New Guinea and northern Australia, where it inhabits the tropical forests, mangroves, savanna woodlands and forest edges. Its diet consists mainly of figs, fruits and insects. The nest is a loose cup made of small sticks up in a tree. The bower itself is that of "avenue-type" with two sides of wall of sticks and usually decorated with green-colored berries.


Western Bowerbird - The Western Bowerbird is smaller than the other bowerbird it shares its range with, the Great Bowerbird. It measures between 24–28 cm in length and weighs between 120-150 g. Both sexes are similar in size and dimensions, except that the tail of the female is slightly longer.


Yellow-breasted Bowerbird - The Yellow-Breasted Bowerbird is distributed in mainland New Guinea, where it inhabits the grasslands, lowlands, and subtropical mountain forests. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, caterpillars, beetles, and other insects. The nest is a shallow cup made of small sticks up in a tree. The bower itself is that of "avenue"-type with four walls of sticks and an outward-angled main avenue walls.


Spotted Bowerbird - Spotted Bowerbird are not listed as threatened on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Great Bowerbird - As with most members of the bowerbird family, breeding considerations dominate the lifecycle: females nest inconspicuously and raise their young alone, while the males spend most of the year building, maintaining, improving, defending, and above all displaying from their bowers. Only a male with a successful bower can attract mates.

Order : Passeriformes
Family : Ptilonorhynchidae
Genus : Chlamydera