Genus Ardeotis


Arabian Bustard - It is also found in Iraq

Australian Bustard - The male is up to 1.2 m tall with a 2.3 m wingspan. The average weight for males is 7.5 kg . The female is quite a bit smaller at 80 cm tall and 3 kg in weight but is similarly coloured. The back, wings and tail are dull brown, with mottled black and white markings on the wing coverts. The neck and head appear dull white and the crown black. Legs are yellow to cream coloured.

Kori Bustard - The Kori Bustard is mostly grey in color, with a black crest on its head and yellow legs. Kori Bustards are often found with bee-eaters riding on their backs as they stride through the grass. The bee-eaters make the most of their walking perch by hawking insects from the bustard's back that are disturbed by the bustard's wandering. This is a large and heavy bird, and it avoids flying if possible. It spends most of its time on the ground, foraging for the seeds and lizards which make up most of its diet.

Great Indian Bustard - The Great Indian Bustard or Indian Bustard is a bustard found in India and the adjoining regions of Pakistan. A large bird with a horizontal body and long bare legs giving it an ostrich like appearance, this bird is among the heaviest of the flying birds. Once common on the dry plains of the Indian Subcontinent, it was considered excellent sport by hunters. Less than a thousand survive today and the species is threatened by hunting and loss of its habitat, large expanses of dry grassland and scrub. These birds are often found associated in the same habitat as blackbuck.

Order : Gruiformes
Family : Otididae
Genus : Ardeotis