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Common Hazel is cultivated for its nuts. The name hazelnut applies to the nuts of any of the species of the genus Corylus. This hazelnut or cob nut, the kernel of the seed, is edible and used raw or roasted, or ground into a paste. The cob is round, compared with the longer filbert nut.

Can I move the corylus avellana after being planted for several years? Corylus avellana Ken Fern Mon Oct 16 2006 I've moved a 10 year old tree in the past, and it had no problems re-establishing. Very often, though, it is easier to just dig up some of the suckers that are usually produced and transplant those. More

Corylus avellana grandis family Betulaceae genus Corylus hazel hazelnut hazelnut tree ONE of the most delightful signs of spring is our native hazel, Corylus avellana. More