Dwarf cypress

It is a shrub or small tree, reaching 1-4.5 m tall. The leaves are evergreen and mixed scale-like and needle-like, except on young seedlings, where they are all needle-like. The leaves are arranged in six rows along the twigs, in alternating whorls of three; the scale leaves are 2–4 mm long, the needle leaves 10–20 mm long. The male cones are small, 3–6 mm long, and are located at the tips of the twigs. The female cones start out similarly inconspicuous, but mature in 18–20 months to 15–20 mm long, with a pointed apex.

The 'Jean Iseli' Dwarf Cypress is an exceptional choice for miniature gardening. This little gem is an almost-olive-gray-green color mixed with the deeper kelly greens throughout the branches. The tips on the foliage turn a little bit amber in the winter, then back to a lighter green in the warmer months. The branches swirl upright in a slightly irregular growth pattern. The 'Jean Iseli' is very similar to the 'Nana' Dwarf Hinoki Cypress, which tends to maintain its green color in the winter months. More

in a Dwarf Cypress Forest Photographic Print Raul Touzon poster 18 x 24 ... more $49.99 at Art.com CYPRESS 'PEVE MINARET / 3 gallon Potted CYPRESS 'PEVE MINARET / 3 gallon Potted Peve Minaret A unique dwarf Bald Cypress is a beautiful majestic pyram ... more $49.95 Amazon Marke... More