Genus Cinclus

White-throated Dipper - The head of the adult White-throated Dipper is brown, the back slate-grey mottled with black, looking black from a distance, and the wings and tail are brown. The throat and upper breast are white, followed by a band of warm chestnut which merges into black on the belly and flanks. The bill is almost black, the legs and irides brown. C. c. cinclus has a black belly band.


White-capped Dipper - Arteaga K. Nino.Son astutos y dificilmente caen en las redes de neblina, generalmente van en parejas en busca de alimento encontrado a orillas de los rĂ­os. De estologia curiosa, prefieren ver al observador.

Mexican dipper - This species, like other dippers, is equipped with an extra eyelid called a "nictitating membrane" that allows it to see underwater, and scales that close its nostrils when submerged. Dippers also produce more oil than most birds, which may help keep them warmer when seeking food underwater.


Brown Dipper - The Brown Dipper can either feed by diving into streams to eat larger benthic organisms, or wade in shallower parts of streams and pick smaller organisms of the bottom. The adults will dive for food from December through April, which is when there are more large benthic organisms. Since this period is also the breeding season of the Brown Dipper, more food is required, so diving for large food is necessary. However, the adults will forage by wading and picking at the stream bottom for the rest of the year. Brown Dipper chicks and fledglings will also forage by diving.


Rufous-throated Dipper - It lives along rapid rocky streams in the Andes at 800 metres to 2500 metres in elevation. The bird breeds in the alder zone at 1500 metres to 2500 metres in elevation.

Order : Passeriformes
Family : Cinclidae
Genus : Cinclus