Genus Perdicula


Jungle Bush Quail - The diet of the Jungle Bush Quail consists mainly of seeds. particularly of grasses, although it also takes insects. Breeding takes place after the rains and lasts until the onset of colder weather, with the precise period varying across the range; five or six eggs are produced and incubation takes between 16 and 18 days. The species is not globally threatened as it has an extensive range and tends to avoid agricultural areas. The population in Sri Lanka has contracted since the 1950s, but is thought to be widespread and common elsewhere in the range.

Painted Bush Quail - The Painted Bush Quail is a species of quail found in the hill forests of India. They move in small coveys on hillsides and are distinguished by their red bills and legs. They have a liquid alarm call and small groups will run in single file along paths before taking flight when flushed.


Manipur Bush Quail - It was collected and described by Allan Octavian Hume on an ornithological expedition to Manipur in 1881.

Order : Galliformes
Family : Phasianidae
Genus : Perdicula