Genus Tachornis


Cuban palm swift - The Antillean Palm Swift's diet consists mainly of insects that it takes in from the air columns or from the surface of the water. These gregarious birds form small to medium-size flocks. They breed year-round in colonies around coastal areas in the dead fronds that hang from palms. While the nesting biology of this bird is poorly known, estimated incubation period by both sexes is 18 - 21 days. The altricial young are brooded by the female and stay in the nest for an estimated 20 - 28 days, being fed by both parents. They typically have 1 to 2 broods a year.


Fork-tailed Palm-Swift - This small swift is found locally in marshy habitats, or sometimes open forest, usually near Moriche Palms. It builds a C-shaped nest of feathers, saliva and plant material on the inside of the dead leaf of a Moriche Palm. Three white eggs are laid in the depression of the C, and incubated for 21 days to hatching.

Order : Apodiformes
Family : Apodidae
Genus : Tachornis