Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Sciuridae
Subfamily : Sciurinae
Genus : Marmota
Animals in the genus Marmota |
Gray marmot |
Bobak marmot |
Facts about the genus Marmota, the marmots
Scientific name: The genus name Marmota is a Latinized version of the Italian word marmotta (mountain mouse).
Marmota marmota is one of eleven species of the genus Marmota which (Full text)
Tj37 marmota is not a member of any public groups All times are GMT -5. (Full text)
Dia de la Marmota is a day to regain consciousness, evaluate the climate, and prepare oneself for springtime hijinks. (Full text)
Main Entry: marmota marmota is one of more than 1,000,000 entries available at Merriam-WebsterUnabridged. (Full text)
Marmota is (Full text)
Marmota is the_____.
The target number of marmots is around 400 to 600, and it is not just a government affair. (Full text)
Question: If feeding the marmots is so bad for them, why do all the tourist-fed marmots look so fat and healthy? (Full text)
posted March 18, 2004 09:54 AM The main problem with the marmots is that many scientists argue that they are already in an extinction vortex and it is not useful to continue trying to save them.
By calling, animals make themselves more obvious to a potential predator: a good way to find marmots is to scare them into calling and then locate the caller. (Full text)
ABSTRACT- Multiple lines of evidence have shown that population regulation of yellow-bellied marmots is extrinsic and largely density-independent. (Full text)
Scientists are not sure why the number of Vancouver Island marmots is declining, but you can help scientists save this endangered variety of marmot by learning more about them.
The Marmot’s Hole » Marmots are indeed a nomadic people
marmots are huge! (Full text)
Marmots are indeed a nomadic people - frassle
: » Marmots are indeed a nomadic people from The Marmot's Hole The Lost Nomad asked if marmot's are nomadic, too.
Two Marmots are better than one!
Marmots are large, about the size of a housecat, charismatic sciurid rodents found in the Northern Hemisphere. (Full text)
Marmots are well suited for life in cold environments and have small fur-covered ears, short, stocky legs, and strong claws for digging. (Full text)
The Marmots are allied to the Squirrels, but are more heavily built, the tail is shorter, and none of the family have cheek pouches. (Full text)
Marmots are easy to photograph early in the day, as they love the warmth of the morning sun before they start their daily search for food. (Full text)
Seven Vancouver Island marmots are spending the winter inside wooden boxes lined with straw in the Mount Washington facility.