Fat sand rats
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Gerbillinae
Genus : Psammomys
Animals in the genus Psammomys |
Fat sand rat |
Facts about the genus Psammomys, the fat sand rats
This indicates that HGP, rather than glucose underutilization, was the main contributor to the hyperglycemia and that the hepatic insulin resistance in Psammomys is attenuated with age. (Full text)
The results indicate that the metabolism of Psammomys is well adapted towards life in a low energy environment, where Psammomys takes advantage of its capacity of constant accumulation of adipose tissue that will serve it for maintenance and breeding in periods of scarcity.
68 The results indicate that the metabolism of Psammomys is well adapted toward life in a low-energy environment, where Psammomys takes advantage of its capacity for constant accumulation of adipose tissue for maintenance and breeding in periods of scarcity. (Full text)
Psammomys is prone to developing hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and obesity .
In conclusion, the above data demonstrate that despite the insulin resistance, Psammomys is characterized by low level of PTPase activities in membrane and cytosolic fractions in all 3 major insulin responsive tissues, as well as in liver.
Psammomys is prone to developing hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and obesity when transferred to a high-energy diet, also primary insulin resistance is a species characterization of Psammomys. (Full text)
Studies in the Sahara Desert (Daly 1979; Daly and Daly 1973) have shown that the preferred food of fat sand rats is the leaves and stems of succulent plants of the family Chenopodiaceae, which contain much water but also a high proportion of salt. (Full text)
The primary food of fat sand rats is succulent plants, specifically the salt bush, Atriplex halimus.
The fat sand rats are well described by their name, which is an exact translation of their scientific name.
Psammomys: Fat Sand Rats Fat sand rats are mainly diurnal and live in sandy areas with scant vegetation.
psa Fat sand rats are mainly diurnal and live in sandy areas with scant vegetation.
Fat sand rats are mainly diurnal and live in sandy areas with scant vegetation. (Full text)
Fat sand rats are a naturally diabetic animal. (Full text)
Larger gerbil species such as Great Gerbils ands Fat Sand Rats are the only things anywhere near big enough.
Fat sand rats are common throughout the Bottomlands. (Full text)