Heather voles
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Arvicolinae
Genus : Phenacomys
Facts about the genus Phenacomys, the heather voles
Heather voles are locally common in shrubby understories of most sierran conifer forest and riparian habitats, and in montane chaparral and alpine dwarf-shrub habitats.
: I considered the heather voles to be a single species (Phenacomys intermedius), although the taxonomy of Phenacomys is unclear and authorities such as Cowan .
Heather voles are rare, and have been reported only from higher elevations in the Sangre de Cristo and San Juan mountains (Findley,1987) (Frey,1995)*28*.
I considered the heather voles to be a single species (Phenacomys intermedius), although the taxonomy of Phenacomys is unclear and authorities such as Cowan and Guiguet (1965) and Wilson and Reeder (1993) treated the northern-eastern forms as a separate species Phenacomys ungava.
In food habits, Phenacomys is herbivorous.
Red-backed voles and heather voles are typically found around the bases of willows in the meadows, as well as around the edges of conifers at higher elevations.
See text The genus Phenacomys is a group of North American voles.
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Heather voles are locally common in shrubby understories of most sierran conifer forest and riparian habitats, and in montane chaparral and alpine dwarf-shrub habitats. (Full text)