Red-backed voles
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Arvicolinae
Genus : Clethrionomys
Animals in the genus Clethrionomys |
Bank vole |
Southern red-backed vole |
Facts about the genus Clethrionomys, the red-backed voles
(2000) has shown that the abundance of Red-backed Voles is positively influenced by the abundance of highly decayed logs, when comparing logged and relatively undisturbed forests in New Hampshire.
(references)Top Usage Frequency: Clethrionomys"Clethrionomys" is generally used as a noun (proper) -- approximately 100.
•After cover and food resources grow back, northern red-backed voles are able to move into the burned areas.
Behavior Southern red-backed voles are active at all time during the year and can be seen at all times during the day.
Red-backed voles are active night and day (more often at night) year round, staying close to fallen .
The former genus includes hosts for PH, Tula virus (TUL), Isla Vista virus (IV), and Bloodland Lake virus (BL), Clethrionomys is host to PUU.
The morphology and taxonomy of east European Clethrionomys is briefly discussed. (Full text)
Growth of young and sexual maturity - Young northern red-backed voles are unable to regulate their temperature successfully until about 18 days. (Full text)
The red-backed voles are mostly solitary or live in small family groups. (Full text)
Newborn red-backed voles are pink, hairless, and have their eyes and ears closed. (Full text)
Main Entry: clethrionomys clethrionomys is one of more than 1,000,000 entries available at Merriam-WebsterUnabridged. (Full text)