Rock rats

Rock rats

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Muridae
Subfamily : Murinae
Genus : Aethomys


Facts about the genus Aethomys, the rock rats

Abstract Aethomys is a common and widespread rodent genus in the African savannas and grasslands.

All that said, The Rock Rats is definitely worth reading, especially if one enjoyed the terrific descent into the hell in Bova’s Venus, or reveled in Bova’s other works in the same universe, like Mars or Jupiter.

That being the case, I was psyched to see some thoughtful points in the article: “Certainly the depredations of a bunch of rubber-soled, chalk-bag-toting rock rats are minor compared with forest clear-cutting or strip mining.

The Rock Rats is the second part of Ben Bova's new hard

[edit] Natural history Laotian Rock Rats are found in regions of karst limestone.

The closest relatives to Laotian rock rats are a group of rodents that includes porcupines and guinea pigs, but this relationship is a rather distant one. (Full text)

Moreton Region Rock Rats is made of (Full text)

*** Rock rats are known to lose their tails, fur and skin very easily and are, therefore, difficult to handle (Cole 2000). (Full text)

These stocky rock-rats are yellowish-brown in colour and have characteristically 'Roman' noses. (Full text)

Central rock rats are nocturnal and are classified as “critically endangered”. (Full text)

The Rock Rats is a particularly depressing and pessimistic picture of the future of mankind in space. (Full text)

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