Spiny rats
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Hystricognathi
Family : Echimyidae
Facts about the family Echimyidae, the spiny rats
In the second year, I manipulated resource density to test the hypothesis that spiny rats are not food-limited during the rainy season (the season of resource abundance).
An interesting feature of spiny rats is the ease with which their tails break off.
DictionaryRATOrocket-assisted takeoffArticlesRato de Taquara*Spiny rats are herbivores and their diet includes fruit, nuts, and grains such as corn.
Like true rats and mice (family Muridae), spiny rats are slender and have short limbs, small hairless ears, large eyes, and either pointed or blunt noses with long whiskers.
Spiny rats are also important hosts for many infectious agents that cause diseases in humans, including leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease.
Spiny rats are often the most abundant rodent within their large geographic range.
Tail : mammals : rodents: Spiny Rat*Ground-dwelling spiny rats are 16 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in) long, with a tail of about the same length.
panamensis, which was characterized by nodular, non-ulcerated lesions, showed that spiny rats are susceptible to this species of Leishmania. (Full text)
Another possible explanation for the lack of disease in spiny rats is that VEEV has been selected for attenuation in these reservoir hosts. (Full text)