Chinchilla rats

Chinchilla rats

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Hystricognathi
Family : Abrocomidae


Facts about the family Abrocomidae, the chinchilla rats

Although the fur of chinchilla rats is not of great commercial value, these animals are nevertheless targeted by hunters, who sometimes sell their pelts to gullible buyers as true chinchilla pelts.

Chinchilla rats are covered with soft gray or gray-brown fur that resembles the fur of true chinchillas but is not as woolly.

Chinchilla rats are found in the Andes of South America from southern Peru to northern Chile.

Chinchilla rats are often those that have strongly contrasting, mixed black or grey hairs with white hairs.

Dictionaryrat-tailhairless tailArticlesTail : mammals : rodents: Chinchilla Rat*Chinchilla rats are covered with soft gray or gray-brown fur that resembles the fur of true chinchillas but is not as woolly.

Chinchilla rats are members of the Abrocoma genus. (Wiki)

Tail : mammals : rodents: Chinchilla Rat*Chinchilla rats are covered with soft gray or gray-brown fur that resembles the fur of true chinchillas but is not as woolly. (Full text)

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