Saki monkeys
Order : Primates
Family : Cebidae
Subfamily : Pitheciinae
Genus : Pithecia
Animals in the genus Pithecia |
Monk saki |
Gray monk saki |
Guianan saki |
Facts about the genus Pithecia, the saki monkeys
The social organization of saki monkeys is assumed to be monogamous, but since so little research has been completed on this genus, some variation in grouping patterns may exist.
Camp says Saki monkeys are a threatened species and keepers decided to remove a birth-control implant from the baby's mother in August.
Data of this karyotypic analysis suggest that Pithecia is the most primitive among the pithecins, followed by Chiropotes, and Cacajao is the most recent one, with very rearranged karyotype.
MONK SAKI MONKEY Pithecia monachus monachus Pithecia aequitoralis was also found elsewhere in Yasuní National Park on surveys CITES Appendix II, widespread but patchy distribution Saki monkeys are found in primary and disturbed rainforest as well as cloud forest.
Monk Saki monkeys are monogamous in small family groups, long fur, restricted to the flooded forest.
Pithecia is distinguished by the greater relative breadth of the ribs.
Pithecia pithecia is reported as a monogamous species, but it has been seen and studied in larger groups in fragmented habitat.
Saki monkeys are excellent leapers and live in the understory?
The poorly known primate genus Pithecia is represented, in unexpected high densities, by probably the rarest species in the whole Amazon, the buffy saki (Pithecia albicans).
The poorly-known primate genus Pithecia is represented by probably the rarest species in the whole Amazon, the buffy saki, in unexpectedly high densities.
WHITE-FACED SAKI (Pithecia pithecia pithecia) Saki monkeys are medium-sized South American primates that inhabit the rain forests of the Amazon Basin.