White-toothed shrews
Order : Insectivora
Family : Soricidae
Subfamily : Crocidurinae
Genus : Crocidura
Animals in the genus Crocidura |
Bicolored shrew |
Facts about the genus Crocidura, the white-toothed shrews
Curio, the entire Philippine complex of Crocidura is not yet sufficiently known, and detailed cranial descriptions still have to be elaborated. (Full text)
Geographic Range Crocidura leucodon, one of the white-toothed shrews, is distributed from central Europe eastward to the Caspian Sea.
The genus Crocidura ('white-toothed shrews') is a widespread and highly variable Old World genus, which is found in many African countries, much of continental Europe and parts of south-eastern Asia. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
The subfamily of red-toothed shrews, with orange- or red-tipped teeth, includes both Old and New World species; the white-toothed shrews are confined to the Old World. (Full text)
ft) Bicolored white-toothed shrews are associated with dry, upland habitats such as grasslands, woodlands, and roadside brush.
Lesser and greater white-toothed shrews are not found in mainland Britain.
Greater white-toothed shrews are found in dry ground, grassland, the fringes of woods, gardens and hedges, commonly entering houses, farm outbuildings etc.
White toothed shrews are very social animals - they aren't territorial, when the weather is cold, they huddle together in nests to reduce 'heating energy' expenditure, which Sorex don't do.
Spiny mice and white-toothed shrews are endemic mammals found here. (Full text)
Lesser white-toothed shrews are only found on the Isles of Scilly, Jersey and Sark.
Lesser and greater white-toothed shrews are not found in mainland Britain. (Full text)