Order : Dasyuromorphia
Family : Dasyuridae
Facts about the family Dasyuridae, the dasyurids
(references)Non-English Usage: "Dasyuridae" is also a word in the following language with English translations in parentheses.
I could believe it's some sort of Dasyurid species (Dasyuridae is the family to which the Tassie Devil belongs, it includes quolls and most of the animals commonly called marsupial mice). (Full text)
There's no animal that looks like this - blue or otherwise - although I could believe it's some sort of Dasyurid species (Dasyuridae is the family to which the Tassie Devil belongs, it includes quolls and most of the animals commonly called marsupial mice). (Full text)
The northern quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus (family Dasyuridae) is commonly referred to locally as "native cat.
The largest member of the family Dasyuridae is the ______________.
crassicaudata (Marsupialia Dasyuridae) is a mouse-sized nocturnal marsupial, widely but patchily distributed across
Most (5) dasyurids are small, insect-eating mammals, but this group also includes a few carnivore marsupials.
This is probably the result of the fact that, unlike kangaroos and possums, the dasyurids are very rarely seen, for on the whole they are small, fast and generally nocturnal in habit. (Full text)
The Dasyurids are also known as the marsupial carnivores, since the members of the family eat other animals.
Earlier authorities such as Le Souef and Burrell (1926), and Troughton (1967) categorized it with the Dasyuridae partly because dasyurids are the only carnivorous, polyprotodont, didactylous group to occur in Australia. (Full text)
Dasyurids are a branch of the marsupial order Dasyuromorphia, which also includes the thylacinids and myrmecobiids.
Most (5) dasyurids are small, insect-eating mammals, but this group also includes a few carnivore marsupials. (Full text)
(12), according to which dasyurids are more closely related to diprotodontians, Dromiciops, and Notoryctes than to peramelinans.
Several species of dasyurids are endangered and at least one, the Tasmanian Tiger, has disappeared forever since Europeans arrived in Australia.
Dasyurids The dasyurids are found throughout Australia, Tasmania