Baleen whales
Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Mysticeti
Facts about the suborder Cetacea, the baleen whales
--- charasteristics of baleen whales The main difference between toothed and baleen whales is that baleen whales have no teeth at all but instead have baleen plates they use for collecting food.
Baleen whales are larger than the toothed whales and have two blow holes.
Baleen whales are some of the largest animals on earth.
Baleen whales are sometimes called "mustached whales.
Baleen whales are the largest animals on earth, yet they feed on some of the smallest animals in the ocean.
Baleen whales are, on average, bigger than toothed whales.
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General Behaviour of Baleen Whales (Mysticeti): For the most part baleen whales are less social than toothed whales, which is not surprising as their prey (primarily small fish, krill and zooplankton) can not easily escape them and so there is little need for co-operative social hunting.
Mysticeti is not a member of any public groups
Mysticeti The feature that characterizes the mysticeti is the filtering system in their mouths formed by the baleen or whalebone, which takes the place of teeth.
The Mysticeti is the suborder in which all baleen whales are classified.
whale right whales species baleen plates gray whales Marine Mammals instead of teeth plankton rorquals dolphins toothed whales rorqual whales Blue Whales Minke Whales Balaenoptera borealis species of Baleen Whales throat grooves pygmy right whales Baleen whales evolved Female baleen whales are larger Label baleen whale anatomy Suborder Mysticeti feeding krill gray whale calf online dictionary encyclopedia thesaurus medical dictionary
One species of Mysticeti is a benthic feeder. (Wiki)
The smallest of the baleen whales is the Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata. (Full text)
Baleen Whales The main difference between toothed and baleen whales is that baleen whales have no teeth at all but instead have baleen plates they use for collecting food. (Full text)
Plankton, tiny animals and plants favored by baleen whales, is plentiful in the Arctic and Antarctic during their respective summers. (Full text)
Main Entry: mysticeti mysticeti is one of more than 1,000,000 entries available at Merriam-WebsterUnabridged. (Full text)
htm) Baleen Whales: Longevity and Causes of Death Longevity for most baleen whales is unknown. (Full text)
The largest of all the baleen whales is the blue whale which is the largest animal the world. (Full text)
Baleen whales are generally found singly or in loose associations rather than in large groups or families. (Full text)
Longevity for most baleen whales is unknown. (Full text)
The word Mysticeti is derived from the Greek word for moustache, mystax. (Full text)