Spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, and striped dolphins
Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Delphinidae
Genus : Stenella
Animals in the genus Stenella |
Pantropical spotted dolphin |
Clymene dolphin |
Striped dolphin |
Spinner dolphin |
Facts about the genus Stenella, the spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, and striped dolphins
For example, the body weight (bw) of striped dolphins' is 17% blubber, where, research shows, 95% of the total body burden of organochlorines is found.
Stenella clymene Stenella coeruleoalba Stenella is a genus in the dolphin family.
Stenella coeruleoalba Stenella is a genus in the dolphin family.
Stenella is a 63-foot Richleigh sloop available for luxury charter yacht vacations in the Caribbean.
STENELLA is an exciting and beautiful yacht combining outstanding sailing performance with a superb accommodation plan.
Stenella Stenella Striped Dolphin Scientific classification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Subclass:Eutheria Order:Cetacea Suborder:Odontoceti Family:Delphinidae Genus:Stenella Species Stenella attenuata Stenella frontalis Stenella longirostris Stenella clymene Stenella coeruleoalba Stenella is a genus in the dolphin family.
Striped Dolphins are an active species, regularly bowriding and leaping from the water.
Striped dolphins are often found in warm waters, usually staying in tropical and .
Striped dolphins are regularly bow riding and jumping from the water.
The beak of striped dolphins is similar in shape to that of common and bottlenosed dolphins and is separated from the forehead by a distinct crease.
Striped dolphins are fast swimmers (travelling up to 15 km hour); when travelling at speed up to a third of the members of a school will be above the surface at any one time. (Full text)
Stenella is a genus in the dolphin family. (Full text)
Communication between striped dolphins is by clicks and whistles (5). (Full text)
Striped dolphins are an active species, regularly bowriding and leaping from the water. (Full text)
Behaviour: Very active, Striped dolphins are often seen performing various aerial movements of twisting and jumping and even bow riding whilst doing so! (Full text)
Miyazaki et al (1973) found that the main food of striped dolphins is small mesopelagic fish, with some squid and shrimp. (Full text)
Striped dolphins are often found in warm waters, usually staying in tropical and subtropical regions. (Full text)