Humpbacked dolphins
Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Delphinidae
Genus : Sousa
Animals in the genus Sousa |
Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin |
Facts about the genus Sousa, the humpbacked dolphins
Although humpbacked dolphins are notoriously shy of boats and humans they have been known to get used to certain vessels - as seen by those undertaking research - and will occasionally approach and investigate boats.
At birth, Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins are about one meter long.
Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphins are slate-grey or pale grey on their uppersides, with a lighter underside and the presence of speckles.
Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphins are brown-grey, pale grey or pink-white on their uppersides, with a lighter underside and the presence of speckles.
Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins are physically very similar to Atlantic humpbacked dolphins in spite of their geographic separation.
John Philip Sousa is available from Bestprices.
Populations of Atlantic humpbacked and Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins are also unknown and depleted.
Sousa's father was the immigrant, and Sousa (or Souza, or De Sousa) is a well-known Portuguese family name.
Threats Because they live close inshore, humpbacked dolphins are particularly susceptible to human activity.
Today, the concert band has lost a lot of its popularity but Sousa is still a household name.
Sousa is now Brazil's most famous comic book artist. (Wiki)
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The endangered Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins are known locally as Chinese white dolphins, or in mainland China as "giant pandas at sea. (Full text)
Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphins are brown-grey, pale grey or pink-white . (Full text)
Champagne de Sousa is located at , , Telephone: , Fax: Sousa Web site: http://www. (Full text)