Order : Carnivora
Family : Viverridae
Subfamily : Viverrinae
Genus : Viverra
Animals in the genus Viverra |
Large-spotted civet |
Large Indian civet |
Facts about the genus Viverra, the civets
viverra is not a member of any public groups
Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 9 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word viverra: Tip: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "viverra" is defined. (Full text)
Poison for the Prince JACKET NOTES: Prince Scipione of Viverra is in danger: his vassal Carlotti has claimed the city of Mascia for his own. (Full text)
In Modern Egypt this viverra is called "Kitt (or Katt) Far'aun" = Pharaoh's cat: so the Percnopter becomes Pharaoh's hen and the unfortunate (?
The secretion of the lesser Oriental civet, or rasse (Viverricula indica), and of the Oriental and African civets (Viverra) is employed commercially in the manufacture of perfume.
Viverra is a product of Sapien designed to offer support for assurance and banking institutions.
html">weasel-like supposed to know an antidote against snake-poison, as the weasel this viverra is called "Kitt (or Katt) Far'aun" = Pharaoh's cat: King has named a host of things, alive and dead. (Full text)
00"); Elizabeth EyrePOISON FOR THE PRINCEPrince Scipione of Viverra is in danger: his vassal Carlotti has claimed the city of Mascia for his own, and the Pope is ready to give the Papal state to another if the Prince proves weak.
Importation of civets infected with SARS would present a public health threat, and, based upon currently available evidence, banning the importation of civets is an effective way of limiting this threat.
"The precautionary killing of civets is the right decision, but it must not divert attention from the fact that our knowledge about SARS is incomplete" and the source of SARS in nature is unknown, Dr.
Banning the import of civets is an effective way of limiting this threat.
The CDC's embargo on civets is a response to a growing body of scientific evidence that suggests civets may play a role in the spread of the SARS virus.
The musk from civets is no longer used in the United States, but may still be used in Europe.
The original order banning civets is available at http://www.
International Herald Tribune: Killing civets is not the way to fight SARS Globalized diseases@ HighBeam Research
Civets are not to blame for SARS Media web: Civets are not to blame for SARS HomeMedia timetableAccreditationMedia programMedia releasesABN reportsRandom variationsBulletinsVolunteersMedia coverageCongress webPublic programwebCivets are not to blame for SARSInvestigator: Edison T.
Small numbers of other animals have shown proof of infection with SARS-like coronaviruses, but so far the best existing data suggests that civets are likely carriers of SARS.
Shipments of civets are being imported into the United States and further distributed.
Civets are found in Africa, southern Europe, and Asia.
 Scientists have found no proof that civets are responsible for SARS' jump to human beings, but they have found the virus present in the breed.
GMS | Civets are susceptible to infection by SARS coronavirus (Full text)
These large civets are found from Northern India to China through Burma.
Civets are very agile tree-climbers.
Civets are considered a delicacy in Guangdong and are served in wild game restaurants. (Full text)
Are you saying the place smells badly or the civets are used in the food?