Dwarf mongooses
Order : Carnivora
Family : Herpestidae
Subfamily : Herpestinae
Genus : Helogale
Animals in the genus Helogale |
Dwarf mongoose |
Facts about the genus Helogale, the dwarf mongooses
) Status: Not endangered; common Habitat: Dwarf mongooses are found in the warmer areas of East and Central Africa below 2 000 meters (6,562 feet).
A family of dwarf mongooses is chirping and chirring about 600 meters to the west of it, and following their alarm calls I see them looking up at a very small hole below a large rock.
Dwarf Mongooses are diurnal which means most of their activities occur during the daytime.
Dwarf mongooses are special because they are one of the less than 3% of mammalian species reported to be monogamous.
The ever present troops of Banded and Dwarf Mongooses are seen daily foraging for insects on the lawns of all three Governors' Camps.
The mechanism of breeding suppression in dwarf mongooses is not currently known.
Wildlife Foundation] Dwarf mongooses are a special animals-- they are the smallest carnivores, they are among the extremely few number of monogamous mammalian species, and they're just darn cute!
Dwarf mongooses are much smaller, only about 20 cm long in the body. (Full text)
Animals Of The Rainforest "Dwarf Mongooses are diurnal which means most of their activities occur during the daytime". (Full text)
Dwarf mongooses are very fast and hard to get pictures of. (Full text)