Cheetahs live solitary or in small groups. Such group of cats may for example consist of a female and her young, up to 2 years old. But also males join together to groups sometimes. Cheetahs inhabit home ranges which are sized about 100 square kilometers. The 1 up to 5 young are born after a pregnancy of about 3 months. They are weaned when half a year old but stay with their mother until they are sexually matured at an age of about 2 years. Cheetahs may reach an age of up to 15 years.
Keywords: paw , retractable claw
Which zoos have them?
Saint Louis Zoological Park (United States) and Smithsonian National Zoological Park (United States)The Cheetah, hunting leopard is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the cheetah
A young / baby of a cheetah is called a 'cub'. A cheetah group is called a 'coalition'.Countries
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia and ZimbabweCheetah habitats
Desert, Dry savanna, Grassland, Hot Desert, Savanna, Shrubland, Subtropical / Tropical Dry Grassland, Subtropical / Tropical Dry Shrubland, Temperate Desert and Temperate GrasslandSome facts about the
Adult weight : 53.5 kg (117.7 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 21 years
Female maturity :456 days
Male maturity : 456 days
Gestation : 88 days
Weaning : 107 days
Litter size : 3
Litters per year : 1
Interval between litters : 537 days
Weight at birth : 0.489 kg (1.0758 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 1.94 kg (4.268 lbs)
Basal metabolic rate : 62 W
Body mass : 38.446 kg (84.5812 lbs)
Temperature : 38.85 °C (101.93 °F)